Chapter 23 : Possibilities

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The moment Rhys words hit me I freeze. My gaze is still trained on the rising and falling waves. Lifting and pushing. A constant battle of beauty and power.

My breath is caught in my lungs, my heart beats loudly almost sounding like the hooves of a running horse. A horse racing through the field of tall grasses, the surroundings blurred by the speed it ran with, legs thundering against the ground. My eyes involuntarily close savoring the idea that maybe I am of some importance to another being. I love the thought of being wanted because it was something I so rarely felt. After my parents died I had Evie, but it wasn't the same. She needed me, depended on me being there for her. Now it was different, I had no one counting on me, using me as a crutch throughout life, but I also had no one to guide me, hold me when I was hurt and pick me up when I had fallen. I was completely alone and that is why the fact that Rhysand "couldn't live without me" is so pleasing.

Inside I smile. A glow seems to radiate throughout my entire body. His words are like the medicine I have been needing ever since I lost Evie. I feel alive, like my body is finally humming with life.

On the outside I am frozen. Shocked as my mind catches up with my bodies reaction. What do I say? How do I tell him that I can't seem to live without him?

I cast my eyes downward, starring at my lap as if the answer to all my problems lies hidden there.

Silence envelopes us. Goddess help me. This mate of my mine is dying for a response and I can't seem to find it. So I say  the first thing that comes to my mind.

"I once had a sister. A beautiful little girl with blonde curly hair and big doe eyes. She could light up the room with one smile and her laugh, oh goddess, it was the most beautiful sound. I was all she had and vise versa. After my parents had died I insisted on caring for her, refusing the idea of Evie being raised in the children's home within the pack. I was only 12 at the time. I made sure I was there for her in her darkest of times and I cared for her like a daughter. Then when my pack was attacked," I pause hating the words that follow, " They murdered her. They killed her right in front of me and I was too stupid to do anything. They captured me, held me prisoner. They cut me and beat me and touched me until I finally escaped only to be taken by your beta. I knew that I had to make it through though, because I had to avenge Evies death. But then I met you and I find myself forgetting all that, I find myself focusing on you, Rhys. I don't think of revenge or my tormenting past. You are always in my head and I can't seem to shake the feeling that it's for a reason. I've never had anyone to depend on or care about other then my deceased family. I want to try, so badly I do, want to try to make this work but you have to be patient with me. I'm not baggage free and I'm certainly not great at accepting fate because that's how I've always survived. So now tell me, are you sure I'm worth it? Am I worth keeping around?"

At this point I have to look up and see his face. I know that the moment I look at his stormy eyes and full lips I will find the answer. All I need is an answer. So I look over to find Rhys eyes roaming over my face, full of pent up emotions, a bottle of unopened champagne. He seems to be bursting with thoughts and feelings yet he expresses none of them. His reaction makes me want to hide inside of myself, cower into my deepest depths and never resurface.

"Are you that clueless?" He asks suddenly and I quickly look over.

His expression is full of confusion almost exasperated with my level of thinking.

"What?" I retort standing up as fury enters my blood stream fueling my weak body.

"Are you that blind as to not see the truth?" Rhys is on his feet now too. His face is pulled into a sneer as he faces me.

"You might have to clear up the air over here hun, because I have no clue what you are talking about." I say as my voice gets louder, my hands start to fist at my sides. Goddess. Why can't Rhys just get to the point and stop playing around with my emotions?

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