Chapter Thirty-One

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"I didn't feel the need to mention it until now," a familiar voice came, as I was walking down the hallway. I slowed down, looking at the door of Roarke's office in alarm. I heard some shuffling and I pressed myself against the wall, craning my neck to eavesdrop. "When she first arrived, I took a sample of her blood and yes, I checked for any diseases or illnesses like you asked. I didn't feel like it was important to note this."

Dr. Burnett.

"Of course it was important to note!" Roarke snapped, his anger felt through our bond. "You should've told me!"

"I don't think she knows," Dr. Burnett argued, her tone cold. "With everything else that was going on, I didn't want to throw this at her - "

"I would've told her once things calmed over," he interrupted, followed by more shuffling. "But, me, as her Alpha and her male, should've known. Immediately. I ordered you to report all your findings to me."

"I apologize," she responded, tightly. "But, I was only protecting Chloe. Her health. She was so frightened and suicidal that I felt like it was best to wait. However, I should've told you. I know, I was just overwhelmed by the discovery."

I was so confused and terrified of what discovery they were speaking of. I was only hoping that Roarke didn't sense me eavesdropping. But, at the same time, I wanted him to catch me, so I could demand answers.

"I believe Chloe should know," Dr. Burnett said, her voice softer. "I just don't think right now is the best time. Her heath is improving so much and I think this will send her a few steps back. I don't want her to go downhill."

"I know," Roarke murmured, stressed. "But, given the circumstances, I don't think we have a choice. She needs to know now."

There was a moment of silence.

"As a mother, I can't even imagine what this poor girl keeps going through," Dr. Burnett responded, exhaling loudly. "It's one thing after the other, isn't it? She won't ever catch stability and that's what she needs. She needs to get off this rollercoaster and settle with you - that's what would be best for her."

"I want the same," he said, quietly. "I think she's meant to stir things up, though."

"What do you mean?"

"From Julius Monclaw, to Weylyn Norwood, to this," Roarke said, confusing me even more. "She's like a walking enigma. She attracts so many, she's important to so many, she's inspirational to so many." I bit my bottom lip, feeling my heart racing in my chest. "She has always been special, but I'm starting to believe that she might actually start a revolution."

Dr. Burnett wasn't convinced. "Like Scarlett Abernathy said?"

"Look at what has all happened since Chloe's arrival," Roarke argued, bitterly. "Think about what will happen from here. She's changing things."

"Not on purpose - "

"No, but things are still changing," he said, pacing back and forth. "It won't be long until one of them comes for her." I frowned, looking down at the floor. Was he referring to Scarlett or Weylyn? I didn't think they would risk coming back onto Roarke's territory after being granted mercy.

Dr. Burnett didn't respond at first. "My opinion - let them come peacefully. Let them see her and see how well she's doing here. Perhaps they won't declare war."

"They know my reputation as well as I know theirs," Roarke growled, irritated. "There is no such thing as peace in a situation like this." I couldn't take the mystery anymore. Inhaling deeply, I grabbed the door handle and burst into his office, watching as their heads whipped around. There was a slight panic on Dr. Burnett's face, but Roarke appeared calm, like he had known I was listening the whole time.

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