Chapter Twenty

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Roarke nipped at my hind leg.

I whimpered, yet managed to swipe at his head. One of my claws connected with his cheek, producing blood. His pack members were cheering and clapping around us, encouraging their Alpha to kill me. However, I noticed that Roarke was dragging my death out - he was only nipping and swatting at me. He could've easily killed me within the first minute, but I was still alive.

Roarke smacked his paw against my head, knocking me to the side. He had kept his claws retracted, so I wasn't sliced.

I stumbled back to my feet, releasing a growl.

He circled me, his eyes demanding for me to submit to him. He didn't understand how important freedom was to me. He didn't understand how much his darkness scared me. I couldn't stay with him - it was time for me to leave. It was time for him to let me go.

I lunged forward, aiming for his leg, but he quickly moved backwards. In that motion, he also wrapped his mouth around the back of my neck. I felt his teeth lightly sink into my skin in warning. His pack members hollered. I couldn't move. He had me - this was it. A growl emitted from his throat, vibrating my neck.

He was communicating to me. He wanted me to submit or else.

I knew he could chomp down, explode one of my arteries. Or, he could've as easily snapped my neck.

Yet, I didn't submit.

I braced myself for death, closing my eyes. I tried to silence the cheers of his pack, but they were so loud. Roarke's mouth lingered too long around my neck. It took me a moment to realize that he was hesitating.

Then, with a surge of anger, he suddenly threw me to the dirt. My body smacked the hard ground, following over, and before I could even get up, Roarke was on top of me. His weight crushed me and his snout lowered until only an inch from mine. He continuously growled in my face, using his Alpha authority to try to get me to submit.

As much as my wolf wanted to submit to him, I wasn't going to. I was fighting him with every bit of strength that I had.

"Just submit!" Josephine cried, from the sidelines. "Chloe! Please!"

She was still hugging Blake, tears rolling down her cheeks. Blake was running his fingers through her hair, trying to soothe her.

I had to ignore her.

I looked straight up into the eyes of Roarke, mentally telling him to just get it over with.

In a split second, his mouth was back on my throat. His teeth punctured my skin and he slowly applied pressure. My whole body stiffened in pain and at the fact that I was going to die in just a few minutes. I could hear his pack cheering, I could hear Josephine crying, I could hear Scarlett screaming for me to get up.

Then, just as I was seeing stars, his weight was gone.

I blinked in confusion, realizing that his whole pack had went silent. I clambered to my feet, glancing over my shoulder to see Roarke standing a few feet from me. There were whispers and hushes. My heart was hammering in my chest. I was starting to think that maybe I was dead; I was currently a spirit watching the aftermath.

I stepped forward with wobbly knees, wondering if I needed to charge at him again.

Yet, I froze when he lowered his head to me.

Gasps of surprise surrounded us. I couldn't believe this. No one could. Roarke Farkas was submitting to me. I had made a Farkas submit to me.

I looked over into the crowd of people. Josephine was covering her mouth with her hand in awe. Blake was staring at his Alpha like he was crazy. Scarlett was wickedly grinning, nodding her head. She had known that this would happen.

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