Chapter Twenty-Six

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The full moon wasn't for two days.

Roarke stomped into the bedroom, slamming the door shut. I was seated on his bed, picking at the tips of my fingers. He had left me on the bed not too long ago, ordering me to stay put and behave. I had been trying to negotiate, or plead with him, about the whole situation. I wanted Scarlett, Rudy, and Weylyn unharmed if they were found. I also wanted Julius to live, but Roarke wouldn't budge. He wanted him dead. 

Roarke walked to the bed and I gasped when he fell on top of me. He covered my body with his, pinning me beneath him. A sound ripped from his throat as he buried his face in my neck and inhaled. When his hands began moving down my sides, I pushed against his chest in refusal. "Roarke."

He lifted his head, peering at me. "You don't want me touching you."

"Please, get off," I murmured, avoiding his scrutinizing eyes. I could tell that he missed me. He wouldn't say it, but I knew it.

"You think I'm a monster," he said, assessing me. "I see it in your eyes. You're looking at me the same way they do." His upper lip curled in disgust and he ripped away from me, straightening to his feet. "I don't want you looking at me like that. Stop it."

"Roarke," I started, slowly sitting upright. "I found all your secrets, remember? You were planning a child with me, even though I told you that I don't want kids. You kill women who speak up, you have children fighting in wars - "

He growled at me. 

"Tell me how that isn't a monster," I continued, less bitterness in my voice. "I don't feel safe with you. You scare me."

His features softened. 

There was a moment of silence between us as he stared at me, searching for the correct words. My eyes were watering from the stress of the whole situation. I pulled my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs. 

"I wanted you to change your mind about kids," he spoke, quietly. "I wasn't planning - I was hoping."

I frowned. "This world is too ugly for me to want to bring anyone into it." He lifted his gaze, desperately searching my face. "It's people like you that make this world ugly - you say you want kids with me, yet you have kids fighting in wars. You don't deserve to be a father. I can't imagine what you would do with your own kids."

"You're not wrong," Roarke said, breathing heavily. "I've been following my father's ways, but his ways have gotten me to where I am. I'm the Alpha of one of the most deadliest packs - "

"You will be alone," I interrupted, flatly. "Have you ever asked yourself who the people in your life love - Roarke Farkas or Alpha Roarke Farkas?"

He raised his chin. "I'm both."

"I like to believe that people aren't born bad," I told him, ignoring his ignorance. "Monsters are created - so what made you? What made the deadliest Alpha so deadly?"

Roarke didn't respond. I wasn't going to force it out of him. I was just tired of everything. 

"I don't want you," I said, shaking my head in exhaustion. "You are too dark for me." An emotion crossed his face, but I couldn't quite place it. He was too confusing. "So, I know you're not going to let me go. I know that I can't escape you. You don't have to worry about me trying to run. I know that I'm trapped here."

I fell backwards onto the bed, looking up at the ceiling. 

I thought he would leave, but he didn't. "I don't want you to be scared of me."

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