Chapter Nine

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Roarke shifted fast.

By the time the wolf had tackled him to the ground, Roarke was back as his massive wolf, snarling in rage. I was terrified, unable to process the scene in front of me. I watched with wide eyes as Roarke kicked the wolf off him, then charged forward - when the wolves clashed, they rolled my direction.

I leaped out of the way with a scream, just before they ran into the tree that had been right behind me.

I wasn't sticking around any longer. I wanted free - of all of them. I took off running, not looking back, with a positive mindset that I would survive this. That I could escape this dark situation I had been dragged into.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I ran blindly through the forest. I was depending on the moonlight to save my bare feet from fallen branches and thorns. Speaking of my feet, they were bleeding a lot, almost as much as my shoulder and forearm. I think my fight for survival was preventing me from passing out; I never did well with blood.

However, I noticed that my head felt lighter. The blood-loss was having an effect on me.

Suddenly, I tripped over a rock - which freaking stubbed my toes - and I plummeted to the ground. Mud soaked the front of me, mixing with my blood. I was tempted to roll onto my side, to curl into a ball and breathe better, but this was my moment. This was my opportunity to escape.

With my entire body protesting, I shakily rose to my feet and continued on my way. I didn't know which direction I was going. I didn't know where I was in the forest. 

I was stumbling through the thick undergrowth when a wave of dizziness washed over me. That wasn't good. I needed to do something about my injuries. I was losing too much blood.

Much to my relief, I came across a stream, water trickling through rocks. I staggered forward and dropped to my knees at the edge. I stuck my hands into the freezing water in a poor attempt to clean them, then peered at my forearm.

Three slashes from the wolf's claws. I craned my neck, glancing at my shoulder. Two slashes from the same wolf's claws. I would undoubtedly have some battle scars.

I was cleaning the mud out of my wounds when a low growl tore through the shadows, alerting me of a presence.

I pathetically grabbed a rock for my weapon and rose to my feet, lightheaded. My body trembled as I frantically squinted through the dark trees, searching for the wolf. There was a snuffling sound, an animal sound.

He was near.

The waiting was killing me.

I couldn't see him. I was terrified.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I decided to take off running as fast as I could. I ignored the pain in my body and I ignored the negative thoughts that reminded me I couldn't outrun a wolf. I glanced over my shoulder, seeing a dark figure darting through the trees behind me, chasing me.

I cried out when I tumbled down a slope, sharp pine needles pricking my skin. Hot tears rolled down my cheeks as I hauled myself back to my feet, urging myself to continue.

I couldn't give up. Not now.

Frightfully, I glanced back over my shoulder, seeing the wolf skirting through the trees, right towards me. I was tired. I was achy. I was close to collapsing. My speed started decreasing as it became harder to breathe and harder for me to keep going.

When I tripped over a tree root, I crumbled to the ground and I stayed there. The corners of my vision were darkening as I flipped over onto my ass. The wolf slowed down as he reached me, his front paws stopping near my feet.

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