11 | Woof

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xi. WOOF



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"THIS IS JASPER Hale. Leave a message at the—"

"This is Jasper—"

"This is—"

"This is Jasper—"

A loud, irritated groan left Rory Swan as she chucked her phone at the wall, breaking it into several pieces. She was beyond furious. According to a handwritten letter from Alice Cullen, she and Jasper had abruptly fled Forks. They left. They ran away. Jasper left without even telling Rory. And Rory was pissed.

The Cullens had until the snow stuck to the ground before the Volturi arrived. Rory didn't understand why Alice couldn't have just given them an actual period of time, but it wasn't like the clairvoyant was around to explain herself. All they knew was that they didn't have long to gather their witnesses.

"Well, this certainly was not the greeting I was expecting!"

Rory's eyes widened. She spun around in a hurry, not having expected to hear the voice she heard. A smile instantly replaced her grimace as Rory approached Stella Capulet, embracing her in a tight hug.

"Thank God you're here, Stella," Rory mumbled as they hugged. "Have you heard from Alice?"

Pulling away, Stella sighed and shook her head. "No," she admitted. Rory's smile faltered, causing Stella to rub her back supportively. "It's okay. I'm sure they have a good excuse."

Rory hummed. "They better." Rory shook her head. "Let's just forget about them for a sec, okay? I want you to meet someone."

Stella tilted her head to the side slightly, curious. She had been called to stand with the Cullens, but she didn't know all of the details quite yet. She followed her friend closely as they exited the Cullen household. They were greeted by Bella, Edward, Jacob, and Renesmee, who had just returned home from meeting with the Denalis.

Renesmee had grown a lot since her birth not too long ago. Now, she was a happy-go-lucky 12-year-old (who oddly continued to resemble her aunt every day). It had been a long drive from the Denalis, which showed in the young girl's fatigued face. However, her eyes lit up the instant she spotted Rory.

"Aunt Rory!" Renesmee shouted, a big smile plastered across her face. She pulled away from her parents and made a beeline for the woman, speeding past the people around her. "Aunt Rory!"

Renesmee jumped upward to tackle her aunt in a hug. Rory beamed as she grabbed her niece, propping her up on her hip. "Hey, pumpkin," greeted Rory. "Miss me?"

Skin & Bones ↠ Jasper Hale ✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu