10 | A Return to Normalcy

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BELLA SUCKED AT LYING. She couldn't lie to save her life. Coincidentally, Bella Swan certainly could not lie to save her sister's life either, or her vampire boyfriend's for that matter. Perhaps that was why Bella was so lucky as to have a big sister whose literal gift was manipulation.

"Wait, so you're telling me you flew all the way to Italy for an entire month with your saved up allowance because you heard about a doctor whose studies were proven to help with things like Depression and eating disorders. And you just happened to stumble into Dr. Cullen because he had been offered a job there, which required him and his family to move immediately...?" Charlie Swan queried. "But then they decided to move back purely because the Cullens missed Forks and Carlisle missed working with you?"


"And the gold contacts...?" he trailed off.

Lorelai laughed. "Dad, they're super trendy in Italy. What, don't you like them?" she wondered, staring at him with her big, golden eyes.

Charlie sighed. "I'm just happy you're safe and back home," he admitted with glossy eyes. "I'll have to admit, it's going to take some time getting used to you being healthy again. But... I'm glad you're alive, pumpkin."

"Aw, pops, don't cry! You'll make me cry! And we all know that's not a pretty sight," Lorelai begged, hugging him carefully once more. Charlie hadn't commented on his daughter's freezing body temperature yet, thankfully. She pulled away and added, "I think Bella's almost done in the shower, so I'm gonna get in. You sure you won't miss me while I'm gone?"

She offered her father a cheeky smile as he laughed. "I'll always miss you, Rory." Lorelai raised an eyebrow at the nickname. Charlie shrugged. "It's grown on me."

Beaming at her father, Lorelai turned and swiftly headed upstairs. Her bedroom had remained untouched in the time she'd been gone; however, something about it seemed different to her. Her eyes darted forward, landing on the window that had been wide open. A gentle stream of wind slipped into the bedroom.

Narrowing her eyes, Lorelai grabbed the object nearest to her to protect herself. Funnily enough, the powerful vampire sought out a shoe to protect herself.

She approached the window cautiously and looked outside, only to spot someone standing on the ground. Golden eyes widening, Lorelai jumped out of the window, landing on the grass gracefully.

"Jasper!?" Lorelai exclaimed, running toward him once her feet were planted firmly on the ground. She tackled him with a hug, forcing Jasper Hale to stumble backward as he held her tightly against his body. "You asshole, I missed you so much!"

She could hear Jasper's deep chuckle as his hand cupped the back of her head. "I missed you, too, ma'am," he confessed. "Maybe more than I should admit."

Lorelai smiled at him before suddenly smacking his arm. "I told you you'd come crawling back," she pointed out as he rubbed the place he was hit.

For a moment, the two were silent, observing one another. They had been separated for months after seeing each other every day for months, yet it was like they were seeing each other for the first time ever.

Now that she could see, the scars were Jasper's most dominant feature. It was hard for Lorelai to take her eyes off of his ravaged neck and jaw. It was hard to believe that even a vampire could have survived so many sets of teeth ripping into his throat. The scars were like a lighted billboard. Dangerous, they screamed. How many vampires had tried to kill Jasper? Hundreds? Thousands?

It was the same number that had died in the attempt.

Regardless, he was Jasper Hale. He was the same, quiet man who fought in wars, both as a human and as a vampire. He was the same man who always laughed at Lorelai's corny jokes, who always managed to put a smile on her face regardless of the situation. He was the same man who always tried to protect her, even when he was the one she needed protecting from at first. He was the same man who needed what Lorelai once needed: he was a friend.

No—Jasper Hale was more than a friend.

He was a man who accepted her, he was a man who cared for her, he was a man who understood her. Jasper Hale was someone Lorelai Swan cared for, someone she adored, someone she admired.

Jasper Hale was someone Lorelai Swan really, really liked.

"You're absolutely stunning, Miss Swan," Jasper told her.

Lorelai's pink lips tugged upward. "Yeah, dying really does wonders for acne scars," she joked. He smiled back at her.

"Can I do something?" he wondered. Lorelai gave him a skeptical look.

"You know, usually people say what they're going to do when they ask things like that," she pointed out.

Rather than responding, Jasper instead leaned forward and connected his lips to Lorelai's. It was short, but sweet and left her longing for more. It felt like Lorelai had been waiting centuries for him to do that. Perhaps Jasper was the one who had been waiting centuries to do that. 

"It took you long enough," Lorelai finally mentioned after pulling away, her voice soft. The two just laughed and smiled.

Finally, Lorelai Swan was finally achieving a sense of normalcy again.

But was returning back to a normal life such a good thing?

Lorelai didn't know. All she really cared about was being with Jasper Hale, for they were finally the same temperature, and it never felt so good.


- - -


LOL i hate this chapter for some reason buuuuttt it's fine :) anyways FINALLY !!!

bruh fr i really thought i'd have to keep them away for 81404809431 more chapters haha. sorry if it felt like new moon was kinda dragging on. maybe i just feel that way because it strangely took me forever to write book 2 yk. but ANYWAYS. eclipse is comingggg!! i'm excited.


(also wow why are all of us still stuck in our twilight phases hahahh)


act 1 (twilight) was mainly about building relationships between lorelai and everyone. act 2 (new moon) was all about the changing, showing lorelai's love for bella, learning more about the vampire world/her gift/her feelings, and her adapting to this new life as a dead woman. i wonder what act 3 (eclipse) will be... oh wait i already know hehe

Revised: January 6th, 2020

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