01 | But Dad

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Lorelai Swan peered over at her father. He sat on the living room couch, a can of beer clad in his calloused hands.

"So do you," stated the immortal 18-year-old. Her eyes skimmed the newspaper headline, the paper laying flat against the coffee table. "Murders, disappearances, possible work of a serial killer. Yet another victim found in a Georgetown Alley," she read aloud. She hummed. "The newspaper's starting to sound a lot like DJ Khaled."

Charlie gave his daughter a funny look. "DJ what?"

Snorting, Lorelai glanced back at the object she had been skimming—a pamphlet for a university in Seattle. "Oh, Dad," Lorelai teased, leaning into the back of the couch and putting her feet up on the corner of the table. "What will you do without me to make jokes about trendy things you'll never care about?"

The father chuckled at the thought. "I take it you loved the University of Seattle?" he queried.

Lorelai nodded. Ever since the entire fiasco regarding Lorelai disappearing for a whole month due to her unexpected death, she was longing for some normalcy in her life. Now that the Cullens were back in town, Lorelai had achieved that to an extent. However, she wanted more; therefore, her next great idea was to go back to school.

After all, Lorelai technically never attended college. She nearly dropped out of high school due to her eating disorder in the first place. Luckily, she still managed to graduate one year early. Now that she was practically a whole new person, Lorelai figured that getting her education on would be the right thing to do.

"Seattle was... great, actually," admitted Lorelai. "I'd fly out to other places to check out their schools, too, but someone's still mad at me for disappearing for a month to live in Italy." When Charlie shot a pointed look in her direction, Lorelai held her hands up in defense. "I'm just kidding, pops."

As she said this, Bella Swan entered the home. Charlie glanced back at the clock on the side table. "Four o'clock on the dot. That kid trying to brown-nose me or something?" interrogated Charlie while Bella sat on the other side of him.

"He has a name," Bella reminded her father.

"Yeah—tall, dark, and dead inside," mumbled Lorelai, her eyes sticking to the pamphlet in her hands to save herself from the tension that continued to grow between the father and daughter.

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