13 | When the Snow Sticks

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The anxieties bubbling up within the vampires that morning were seemingly irrevocable. Together, they stood. They were united. They were the twisted version of the Avengers in a sense. Hell, the fact that the vampires of all covens were standing together with the camouflaged werewolves waiting for their cue was practically the most ambitious crossover event of the century.

"The Redcoats are coming, the Redcoats are coming," Garett mumbled to himself as he stood along with the Denali coven.

If her heart was still beating, she was sure it would have stopped and sent her into cardiac arrest the moment she spotted the army of vampires in black coats walking forward.

Rory stood beside her sister. On the other side of Bella was her daughter, who was sandwiched between her parents. Rory's head slowly moved to face her sister, who had done the same. Though the sisters were expressionless, they could sense what the other was feeling. Fear and worry overtook the Swan sisters.

This was it, wasn't it?

"Holy fucking shit," Rory whispered to her immediate family. "This is seriously my life now, wow."

"Aro's looking for Alice," Edward whispered back.

Rory narrowed her eyes upon spotting Irina standing with the Volturi. She appeared to be the odd man out, for she was the only one who had been adorned in her normal clothes rather than a cloak. Jacob released a howl, which was essentially the signal for the rest of the wolves to come out of their hiding spots.

Jacob walked forward, growling as he went by Rory's side. Rory observed as the Volturi finally stopped their decade-lasting stroll through the sticking snow. The ones who were considered royalty removed their hoods, allowing them to stand out from the Volturi's witnesses. Stella and Carlisle moved forward as a team.

"Aro, let us discuss things as we used to," Carlisle insisted with a normal speaking voice, despite how far away the vampires were from one another. "In a civilized manner."

"Fair words, Carlisle, but a little out of place given the battalion you've assembled against us, including our own former members," responded Aro. "Stella, it has been a long time."

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