Chapter 26

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Today is Monday, April 3rd. Today was weird. I found a letter in my *locker. I wanted to throw it away but my life is too boring not to accept a call to adventure like this.
I opened it up.
It reads:

you have No idea who i am, but i know who you are and i like whO you are. you will ofteN get a poem in your locker. you'll probAbly freak out and i'M sorry i don't have enough courage to say any of this to your facE. i'll give you three clueS.
1. i am a girl. Or woman.
2.i am a 9th gradeR.
3. people may not like you for who you aRe, but i like You.

...This isn't happening. It's creepy.
Am I being watched?

If she is a good writer, I might fall in love with her words. If she is pretty, I might fall in love with her looks. If she is both, I'll fall in love with her. If this is Dominic's prank, I will flip.

*view image. Image is of Ben's locker.

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