Chapter 25

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The rest of the week we didn't talk. We looked at each other and smiled in the hallways. She sat with her friends for lunch. We lost touch. I miss what we had. I'm happy I get to see her though.

Today is Saturday, April 1st. In 96 hours it will be April 5th and everything will start to freak out about the Queen's son.
That's not my concern today because today is April fools day. My brother and I usually play pranks on each other but he didn't do any. *I put pop-it's under the toilet seat in the downstairs bathroom and left it open after I was done. He went in right after and slammed the seat down. The pop-its scared the crap out him. I have never heard him scream like that.

"BEN!" He screamed at me. "I thought we had a ceasefire!" Why would we ever have a ceasefire? Oh wait. That time Dominic and I agreed to have a ceasefire last year popped up in my mind.

Later on in the day, I had forgotten about the whole ceasefire and I had switched his grilled cheese with toast and orange frosting in between the two pieces. Orange frosting on toast doesn't taste all that well. He sat down and was about to take a bite. I didn't stop him from eating his "grilled frosting". His face was faceless, meaning that no one could ever make that face. I could say his face was priceless also but that saying is over rated and when I say: 'His face was faceless!' It makes people laugh.

He was mad and it was hilarious. "I hate you with a freaking passion." I bursted into laughter. "I'll get you back one day. It may not be today, or tomorrow, or this month, but I will get you back and you will not like it. "

I was actually scared. Knowing Dominic, he will take it too far and mess up everything. Whelp, I'm screwed, but then again when am I not.

*view image. Image is of Ben's prank.

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