46 7 3

"You mean over there?"


"Right now?"


"You're insane."

"I know."

"I'll pass this time, despite how tempting it is."

"When you come here you won't leave so easily. That's a promise."

"I'm so scared," I giggle. "Good night mister."

"Oh, and by the way, in case you do come to my house tomorrow during the day, I won't be here. But I'll leave the key with the security. Make yourself useful," he chuckles.

"Where will you be?"

"I'll be at mom's," he groans.

"Ugh, fine. Take care," I say.

Leigh-Ann's POV

I woke up at seven and was prepared to talk to Kyle. I heard him drive in at around five in the morning. We hadn't seen each other since our separation and there were things he needed to know.

After finishing my chores and taking a shower, I went to the main house and asked Lu where she'd seen him last, and she said he has been in his room. I went up the stairs and stood outside his room listening to the R. Kelly songs coming from his speaker.

I knocked and heard shuffling sounds. A key jiggles and the door is suddenly pulled open. I almost swallow my breath if that's even possible. He's standing shirtless right in front of me, looking more handsome than ever. He looks at me up and down before visibly gulping.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" I ask.

He looks back to his room before turning to face me, shaking his head. "No."

"I need-"

"Is it always about you?" he asks. I close my eyes briefly and open them again, staring straight into his.

"We," I emphasise, "need to talk." He doesn't say anything else as he goes into his room and I contemplate whether to go I or not. He then reappears wearing a blue t-shirt and walks past me and down the stairs. I roll my eyes as I follow him outside.

He takes a seat on the white chairs next to the covered pool and I almost sit next to him but he shakes his head and points to the empty spot in front of him. Wordlessly, I sit in front of him and fold my legs.

"Whenever you're ready," he says, his tone showing annoyance.

"How are you?" I ask, trying to break the ice.


"Aren't you going to ask me how I am?"

"I'm not interested." He's still upset from last time.

"How was uni-"

"What do you want to talk about?" He interrupts me.

"About us."

"I'm listening," he says, leaning back and keeping his gaze straight ahead.

"Kyle, how long is this going to go on for? Why can't you just forgive me already and we can pick up from where we'd left off?"

"Maybe I just don't want to forgive you," he snaps at me.

"I tried everything in my power. What else should I do?" My voice threatens to break.

"Oh, I don't know. Kill yourself?" He asks sarcastically but little does he know.

"I've tried," I sniff as my vision becomes faded.

"And you clearly failed," he adds, bitterness dripping.

My patience starts running out and I stand on my feet. "It's not like you were always there for me," I try to keep my voice low.

"I might not have been your dream guy but at least I didn't go fuck one of your best friends!"

"He was a mistake! You know he always had a thing for me so it's obvious he'd have tried something while you were gone."

He presses hard on his temples and looks at me before laughing. At first it was a sarcastic one but soon grew into a real one. Or at least it sounded real.

"And what about Mike?" He smiles as he asks and my blood runs cold. Memories of that night replay in my mind and I blink away the tears that threaten to spill. It's like my heart is being snatched out of my ribcage and he's stepping on it all over again.

"You know about Mike?" I ask defeatedly as I take a seat and keep my head down. Embarrassment, anger, vengeance and all other foreign emotions swim inside of me as I try to block the images from that night.

"What do you know?"

"Nothing else apart from the fact that you forced yourself onto him and every other friend of mine that day."

Unbelievable. They are scumbags. They are liars that feed on the pain of others. "And you judge me based solely on their side of the story? How pathetic of you, Kyle. I'll let you know that that is not what happened. If you cared you'd have known that it was forced; That I was forced. But no, you don't care. You only believe the word of your friends."

I breathe heavily as I stare at him. "I really hope your next girlfriend finds out what type of scoundrels those people you call friends really are. And I hope it hurts when you do!"

"You really think I'd have thrown away months of dating out the window like that?" I ask him and his face remains stone cold. "Forget it. It's just like talking to a statue. Have a good life."

I walk away and shut my house door behind me. My hands started shaking terribly and I splashed water over my heated face to calm down. He doesn't deserve me. He doesn't deserve anyone.

A/N I know it's short but it's better than nothing. Hope you enjoyed this piece. I know it's been long since I've updated on this book but I'm working on changing that.

When you're under water, (say you're in a pool or something) are you wet or are you dry? Think about it for a second.

Till next time,

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