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I woke up at 10 a.m. greeted by a slight hangover. I've had worse, near-death ones in recent weeks so today's one was just a baby. I got up and jumped into a cold shower, then decided to book a private cargo flight for 1p.m. I don't want my baby to be in the hands of some unknown person, and lucky enough, I knew a member of the crew.

I called him and arranged everything. I also decided to get his bank details for a direct deposit. Let's just hope he doesn't mess my things up because I'd hate to extend my wrath.

I spend the rest of my day packing my belongings. I share an apartment with Carlos who hasn't arrived yet, but his car keys were on the kitchen counter, so that made it easy for me. Once the time arrived, I drove to the airport with all of my luggage, except for a smaller duffle bag. I liked to travel easy, blame my mom for that. Then I took a cab back to the apartment and sent an email back home.

To: <Miranda Reesogn>
From: Kyle Reesogn

Subject: Collect possessions

Hey. I am sending some luggage and the car today today. Should lend in t-minus 17 hours. One of the chauffeurs can be on the lookout for that...?


After tapping the 'Send' button, Tess crosses my mind. I should probably text and ask how she's doing.

Good morni- what if she isn't awake yet? But its in the afternoon already. I erase that and type out another one.

Hi, how are- A little too invasive, maybe? Erase.

I trust you slept well- And how is that any of my business to know? Erase.

After several attempts, I settle on sending a simple text.


I wait for her response and my heart is racing while my stomach is doing cartwheels. After a few minutes, my phone beeps with a new notification.

Hey yourself.

Right now I'm glad Carlos isn't here because I'm jumping up and down. Who would have thought I'd ever be excited over a girl's text?

Are you finished with packing?

Close to.

I can come help. I don't have anything left to do

Thanks, but no.

Great. OTW :)

I quickly grab the duffle bag and place it by the door. Then I go brush my teeth because I already showered this morning. I spray myself and wear grey sweatpants with a plain white wife beater under and a white fitted t-shirt on top.

I finish off with a pair of black high cut white Vans and my least favorite Bvlgari wristwatch since I packed the other more pricey ones away. I grab a zip up hoodie and sunglasses to try and disguise my bloodshot eyes and grab Carlos' car keys, sending him a text along the way.

Tess' POV


I was sitting next to two guys talking about moving. I watched how Tori was 'dancing' around the guys across the room. I just shrugged and wondered how I ended up here. Oh yeah. It was because she is my 'best friend'. The thought of that alone makes me want to gag.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a guy's chair scrape against the polished floor. We spoke for a while, not anything constructive because I thought he was trying to shoot his shot, but after learning that he's a pretty decent guy just there to keep me company, I started enjoying the conversation. We ended up talking for close to two hours.

Call me a creep, but I had the entire thing recorded. It is purely for my own safety. In any case of an emergency, all the files are backed up on my laptop at home via wireless signals. We don't want the past to repeat itself, now do we?

Kyle, as I got to know his name, offered to take me home and had the guts to embarrass me in front of my mother. My mom took an instant liking to him. I might have, too.


I woke up at 9a.m. but stayed in bed. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts. The realization hitting me in the face at full swing. I didn't get his number in return. All I can do now is wait for him to text. I decide I might as well shower, pack and read a book. That should make time fly by faster.

I checked my phone again at 3p.m. and frowned when I don't see a text I'm waiting for. He probably has a lot of people to attend to before even considering me. Then again, he might just be occupied with something important.

The sound of birds chirping came from my phone, indicating that I have a new text message. Adrenaline shoot through me as I dived for my phone under my pillow. I open the text that reads a simple 'hey', but even though its from an unknown number, I feel it in my gut that it's Kyle.

After replying to the text, I don't even get the chance to release a breath because he replied instantly. After a while, he said he was on his way. Oh my word.

I didn't finish packing everything I came with. I'm such a lazy klutz who does things last minute. I throw a few things, toss them in the suitcase and attempt to zip it up but it doesn't budge. I get on the bed and straddle the suitcase and attempt to force it to zip up. While struggling, I hear a soft knock on the door and hear it open slowly.

"Mom, Kyle's on his-" I start as I turn to face the entrance. My jaw falls slightly as I take in his appearance. Kyle's standing by my door in all his glory. He's so shameless making me look like cabbage in front of him.

Whoever invented sweatpants, plain t-shirts, Vans and hoodies respectively should be richly rewarded. He cleared his throat and smirked. I wanted to face palm myself right then and there. How embarrassing to ogle someone you clearly have no chance with?

Kyle's POV

I was greeted by Julia, Tess' mom, who opened the door. She was dressed in a cream dress that reached a little below her knees. I noticed that she had a Band-Aid beneath her shin. Her hair was in a loose bun at the top of her head and she had an apron around her waist.

"Kyle, lovely to see you. What brings you here?"

"Good day Ms Julia. I came to help Tess with her luggage. She must have forgotten to tell you I'd be coming."

She nods and steps aside so that I can enter. I stand in the hallway and mentally debate whether I should text her and say I'm here. Julia leads me up the wooden stairs. She stops in the hall, pointing to a room at the far end and then pats my shoulder with a small smile returns downstairs. I walk to the room Julia pointed to and stand outside the door. She has pasted signs on her bedroom door from the top all the way down:

'Absolutely no smoking in here. Unless you're smoking hot, then come on in'.

'Warning! Do not enter unless you have chocolate.'

'Being Tess is a full-time job.'

'What happens in this room, stays in this room. *wink wonk*'

'Warning! My farts stink.'

'Clothing is optional beyond this point.'

After crouching to read all the signs, which I thought were creative to say the least, I stand up straight and knock before opening the door slightly, enough for me to peek through. The first thing that catches my eye is how Tess is on the bed straddling a suitcase. I notice that she's dressed in a lace baggy sports t-shirt which exposed part of her short jean shorts.

"Mom, Kyle's on his..." she pants as she tries to pull the zip up. She drops her hands by her sides as she stares at me. I clear my throat when I see her checking me out and immediately smirk when her face heats up and she smiles and shifts her gaze to the floor.

Inflictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें