Chapter 25

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I sighed as I drank the red wine on my glass. I was taking a break from the hectic errand they gave me yesterday. I changed into some decent clothes and walked out my condominium and yes I do have one, when I want to be alone here. I never want anyone accompanying me on my place.

I drove to school with my car. I hissed silently when I saw that everyone's attention was on me as I walked past them. I like the attention but sometimes it's weird especially when unattractive persons gawk on you like they can lay a finger on you, I know I'm rude.

"I heard about the incident on hell" Doug told me, popping out of nowhere.

"Didn't know your brother would actually settle down" He added with a smile on his face, for a demon he's quite bubbly.

"Yeah, but I'm happy for him though" I stated.

Our conversation was about to go on when I bumped into someone. I flicker my eyes to that someone, I saw Nikolas and my eyes widen as soon as I've recognised him.

"Veronica? wow you still look the same" He sounded excited and I just smiled at him warmly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. Nikolas is a Incubus, we dated once and we soon realised we're better off friends.

"Skipping" He said with a winked. Skipping means moving to one country to another to change our identity it happens every 10 years or less, we have to change our identity for our existence stay lowkey.

"Oh, what a coincidence" I joked and we both chuckled.

"How about you? what brings you here?" He asked me as I was about to answer my eyes caught a certain person glancing at us in jealousy I guess.

"Mission, I git to get going" I told her as I started walking.

"Let's grab a drink sometime" He offered.

"Yeah sure" I yelled back in response.

I approached Natalie who quickly looked away when I caught her staring. I felt a bit excited every time I talk to her, maybe because of her personality. Now I'm scared I'll end up getting sick of it and leave her with a broken heart. I sound cheesy, goddamn those chic-flicks rubbing to me.

"Hey Kayla, Hey Natalie" I greeted them both and Kayla replied with a 'hey'.

"We have a class in 5 minutes, let's go" Natalie demanded at Kayla not giving me a glance. So she's mad? It's suppose to tick me off but instead I felt like it's normal for her to be jealous.

"Avoiding me?" It sounded like a statement then a question.

"I'm not avoiding you, I'm avoiding myself from getting hurt." She answered me.

"And you think it's me?" I asked her. I badly want to let her go and move on before anything gets serious but a part of my human wasn't having it.

"Look, I like you a lot and it's not going away any moment now but I feel like our feelings is not that mutual" She admitted to me. I badly want to agree with her but again my human is taking control.

"And why is that?" I asked her not softly but calm enough for her to know that I'm being patient.

"I...I'm having mood swings" She answered me and I could've laughed but I don't laugh so instead I chuckled.

"Oh, I see." I nodded in understanding while Kayla was giggling.

"I can't control that stupid fucking hormones" She ranted out angrily and Kayla started laughing.

"It's fine, I actually thought you were serious" I told her as I shook my head.

"What do you mean 'you thought I was serious'? I was drop dead serious" She snarled at me.

"Yeah and you're drop dead gorgeous" I complemented her as I linger my fingertips on her cheek which causes her to blush lightly. I knew better than start a quarrel with her when she's on her period.

"Whatever I'm still mad, and you're not helping your case" She fumed and started walking faster than Kayla and I. Kayla gave me an apologetic look as she followed her best friend.

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