Chapter 1

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"I'm glad you agreed to come with me" Vain said and grinned at me.

"Shut up, I'm not doing you a favor. I need some good sex that's why I'm here" I scoffed at him.

"You're mean V" He pouted like a five year old kid.

I was about to answer him back when my eyes caught a certain blondie talking to a redhead, she was wearing a hot off shoulder paired with shorts, her red lipstick making her lips pop and her make up is quite light. For a demon I sure know those stuff.

"You see that girls over there" I said and he looked at the direction I was looking at.

"Yeah? they're hot but not my type" He stated.

"Sure, cause your type is the typical wanton slut" I scoffed at him.

"You're my type, does that make you a wanton slut?" He joked and I pinched him where the sun doesn't shine.

"You keep abusing my dick, and not in a good way" He said and I chuckled at his silliness.

"Just help me score with the blondie" I told him.

"You're suppose to feed on man. Sometimes I wonder how twisted you are, I mean you're attracted to girls while you're Demon only feed on men" He said as he scratched his head.

"I'll twist your dick if you don't shut up" I warned and he just smiled sheepishly on me.

I saw the blondie talking to an attractive man. She seems to be enjoying his company. And me being the devil that I am got an idea. I bumped into the man he was talking to and acted like it was an accident and I know once he looked at me he saw heaven.

Damn, so fucking hot. Hotter than this dumb blonde who speaks nonsense

I heard him said in his mind and it pissed me off on how he appear to like the pretty girl's company but deep inside he just want to get some, I'm not a hypocrite I liked who I fuck. I covered my thought by smiling at him flirtatiously.

"Sorry I didn't mean to" I purred and he leaned in on me ignoring the blondie's existence at all.

"No need to be sorry" He said and one thing led to another. Let's just say he ended up being knocked up in the girl's bathroom, I may or may not have beat him up.

"I've been looking for you" Vain said as he panted.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Well, there's this three chics and they wanted a foursome and me being the man of needs I granted their request. When we went to their place I was shook when a pastor started to spray me with holy water for 'almost fucking his niece'." Vain explained and I couldn't help but laugh at his stupidity.

"Let's call it a night" I stated and he nodded in agreement. We went back to our mansion in hell and saw Damon doing paperwork, you might wonder why a demon has paperwork? well, we all deal with humans and in the human world there's no such thing as supernatural powers so we have to deal with police shit mostly since we kill a lot of people.

"Where's Lucio?" I asked Damon but he only stared at me in reply, he's like that when he's busy.

"I'm here baby girl" Lucio suddenly appeared as he kissed my cheeks.

This is what I love about Lucio he always spoils me while I spoil Vain and Damon spoils Lucio but nobody spoils Damon because apparently he is not a spoiled Brat.

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