Chapter 15

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"We should talk sometime" Doug suggested with a warm smile.

"Of course" I answered him back with a smile.

"I should get going, the rugby team needs their captain" He said with a sheepish smile.

"I'll see you" I told him and he run like a kid yelling to his teammates.

"So you and Doug?" I looked at my back and saw Janine folding her arms on her breast.

"What?" I asked confusedly, I swear the kids now a-days have their own grammar.

"You and Douglas" She stated as if it was an explanation.

"What about it?" I asked her, she's kind of creeping me out.

"Stop acting stupid! You're dating Douglas and you're kissing me the other day!" She yelled getting attention from the crowd.

"So this is about your infatuation to me? I kissed you because you asked for it and we were both tipsy. I didn't mean to play with your feelings but I don't feel the same way you feel about me" I answered her and I saw the tears threatening to fall any moment.

"You're a sick conniving bitch!" She stated and walked away sobbing. I saw people giving me 'a look' but I just ignored it. Being a succubus has its perks and disadvantages.

"Told you she's not nice" I heard Natalie told Kayla.

I looked at their direction and approached them. Kayla was smiling at me while Natalie was wearing a frown.

Why the hell is she kissing Janine and going out with Doug? What the fuck am I saying?

I heard Natalie's voice, for some odd reason it made me smile that she was jealous.

"What's with the long face?" I cooed at Natalie and she just rolled her eyes.

"It's been awhile since we've talked Kayla" I winked at her.

"It has been a awhile indeed" She answered.

"Great, so you're hitting on Kayla too" She scowled at me, Kayla gave her a warning look.

"If you want me to hit on you, you can just ask" I teased her and she blushed. Why did she blush?

"Besides we've had a fare share on checking in on hotel rooms, there's nothing to be jealous of Natalie" I added and she blushed even more.

"Do you like me Natalie?" I asked her seriously.

"No! I don't like you! I hate you! I despise you" She said more like to herself.

"Try harder on convincing that to yourself" I told her Natalie blushed and Kayla looked confused but let it go.

"I heard Vain has been around" I stated and it's Kayla's time to blush while Natalie looked lost.

"How is Vain related to you?" Kayla asked me out of curiosity.

"It's for me to know and for you to find out" I told her with a smirk.

"Who the hell is Vain? You didn't mention any Vain to me, what is he to you? and who the hell name their child Vain? Is he that bad?" Natalie asked continuously.

"I bet Kayla have answers to that" I said and sent Kayla a winked while she blushed harder.

"I'll get going girls, I have to run some errands" I excused myself, Kayla was a blushing mess while Natalie keep asking question about Vain.

I went to a famous local bar to get some. It has been three days or more and I'm feeling really weak. I looked around not wasting anytime to fuck and eat. I saw Lucio talking to a cute guy. I approached them and Lucio looked surprise.

"Well well well, never thought I'd see you here" I joked.

"Mind introducing us" I said with a sly smirk.

"Veronica this is Pastor Sam and Sam this is my sister Veronica" He said. I scanned Sam, he looked like he knew what he was getting into.

"Never thought that a Pastor swing for male demon" I teased.

"You're not quite a Saint for a pastor" I added and his eyes widen.

"Tsk tsk tsk what a very bad boy, you are pastor Samy" I whispered seductively in his ears and I could smell his arousal.

"V don't seduce him" Lucio said.

"Why? is someone gonna get mad if I touch him?" I asked Lucio.

"Yes The Father almighty might" Lucio joked ma we both chuckled while Sam glared at him.

"That wasn't funny Lucio" Sam said and walked out.

"You're always giving me trouble Veronica" He whined to me.

"It wasn't my fault you were an asshole" I snickered and he peck me in the cheeks and ran after the boy.

At the end of the night I ended up with a threesome with a blonde chic and a hot jock.

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