Chapter 16

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I went out to look for Alexandria. I even went to check any records of Alexandria but I didn't find any, she changed her name for sure. The night was a waste since I didn't find any Alexandria.

I went to a supernatural club to spent the night. I showed my true form and so is everyone else. My red tail with a heart in the end and my red horns with carved symbols, my eyes also went all gold. Your eye color is what distinguish what kind of demon you are, when I say your eye color I mean your whole eye not just your cornea. Gold eyes is for sex demons, black is for the dark demon and from hell then lastly red is for the demons of pain and agony. While the symbols carved in your horn determine your rank; the lower rank, Higher rank, Royalty and King. In the human terms-Lower rank is for the average, Higher rank is for the rich people, Royalties are those royal bloods including the queen and the highest rank is the King.

It looks like hell here because everyone is a demon and some gifted humans. I went to the counter bar. Our drinks here has a mix of either blood, soul or dreams. It's more delicious than normal cocktails.

As the clock reached 3:48 in the morning I felt tired and decided to sleep somewhere.

I walked to my class, I even wonder why I still go to school if I can just search for Alexandria. I walked to my history class and I saw Doug waving at me to sit beside him and I did.

"I saw you yesterday" He grinned at me.

"Where?" I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"You didn't see me? c'mon" He sadly asked that made me chuckle.

"Of course I saw you" I answered.

"So what can you say about my horns?" He asked me excitedly.

"What horns? you meant horny?" I joked and he whined like a kid.

"Kidding, I think their cool" I told him, Douglas is a soul collector (Demon of Darkness), he collects souls to those in debt.

"Yeah? well wait till you see me sucking souls" He bragged and I shook my head at him.

"I don't want to see you sucking anything" I teased him, he's gay.

Why is she talking to Doug?! What the hell?

I looked around and saw Natalie glaring daggers at me. I really don't understand her hatred towards me. I shot her a wink and she frowned. I heard Doug calling my name so I turned to him.

"You like Natalie?" He asked me.

"What? no" I answered.

"Well, she seems to like you" He stated.

"And why is that?" I asked back at him.

"Because she looks like she's gonna kill me" He stated.

"Or me, she hates me" I answered.

"She looked jealous" He said.

"She's a jealous girl, she's just jealous I get a lot of attention for a newbie" I told him.

"Well, there's no resisting to the queen of succubus" He teased me, he knew I don't like being called a succubus.

"Shut up Sucker" I told him and he laughed lightly.

A demon don't laugh but the lower rank and a few higher rank manage to laugh when they've been around people for a really long time. Humanity is rubbing into them, they even feel love. But for the royalties and King, humanity will never rub into us. We cannot laugh nor love unless cast a spell on or a miracle.

I ate lunch with Natalie and Kayla. Kyla was quite while Natalie and I put on a good show of bickering around, mostly because Natalie started it.

I went to visit Aunt. Brown, our principal. She cooked me a nice meal for me, though it wasn't necessary. She's actually a lovely and caring demon, she's a royalty but became a higher rank because she fell in love with a human and had a daughter. She had a dark past. Back in 1360's she was the ideal queen and was supposed to marry Satan, she could've been my mom or not. She escaped hell in order to not marry Satan because she know that if she does there's no going back. She believes in love and she wanted to be normal, to feel happy, to laugh, to cry and to love. At the year 1580's mom married Satan and become the queen they decided to have kids on the year 1800's while Aunt Lucy (Mrs.Brown's real name) found a man and fell for him, he accepted her and made love to her until they had her daughter Helen. Everything was perfect but it didn't last. Helen and Lucy's husband Felix was killed because a demon mislead the angels to her home, it was a war but Lucy didn't take participation so his father Lucifer mislead the angels to kill her daughter's family because Lucifer was sure that it will push Lucy to participate in the war since Lucy is a great warrior for a girl. She did participated in the war and at the end of it she killed Lucifer and never came back to hell after.

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