Chapter 16

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  There was always a moment in Tyler's life were he thought he wasn't good enough.  It was always  little things that seemed to set him off. Rather it be him seeing a happy couple on Instagram, or hearing a clever lyric in a song,  he always thought that he could be better. Today was one of those miserable days.

As he truts around school the people that he hung out with seem to look the most concern. Sure they've all gotten used to Tyler's mood swings, but today seemed to be particularly bad. He didn't eat at lunch, he didn't laugh at Pete's jokes like he usually did, and he didn't even greet Josh in the morning. Patrick was the first to point it out; even though they all were thinking it. "Don't you think we should figure out what's wrong?" He questioned.

"It wouldn't do much if he's not saying anything to us." Halsey retorted while trying to fling a grap at Andy. "But still it wouldn't hurt to try,  though I vote Josh to do the talking since you know that is your boyfriend and all."

Josh sighed, he knew that she was right though dealing with a low self-esteem Tyler was not his favorite. It's not that Josh judged him for having low self-esteem, it's a common thing for most people to have but Josh didn't like seeing him in that state of mind.

"You're right," He got up from the lunch table he was sitting at.  "Where is he? Wasn't he sitting by Ryan like four minutes ago?"

They all just shrugged. Well you guys are very helpful aren't you, Josh thought. He started to walk around the cafeteria, all while thinking of exactly what he would say to Tyler. Eventually, he found Tyler sitting by the water fountain.

"What are you doing over here?" He asked kneeling down next to the other's level.

The other didn't answer though. Surprisingly, (well to Josh's surprise) Tyler did happen to look at him which was the first for the day.

"Please talk to me. It's okay to be upset I'm not going to judge you for it but please don't push me away when this does happen. I want to help but I can't if you don't talk to me."

"I don't want to talk."

The pleading look on Josh's face didn't go away. Though he knew he needed some sort of acceptance towards the fact that Tyler didn't want to talk.

"Okay, I understand.  Just know I'm always here if you ever want to talk." He kissed his forehead before joining the others back at the lunch table.

"How'd it go?" Ryan questioned.

By the look on Josh's face the others pulled strings together to fill themselves in.

"I'm sorry." Patrick said.

"Don't be.  I'm just worried."

The others understood that, though none of them knew how Josh was really feeling.

Lunch ended. Josh went to go see if Tyler was still by the water fountain, but he wasn't. He wasn't in social studies either. 

On the bus Tyler wasn't even there. Josh sat in the back of the bus with his head down. He'd wonder if Tyler had gotten picked up or if he simply just left. Tyler has just left the building without telling anyone multiple times. 


Hey is everything okay I didn't see you after lunch or for the rest of the day and you're not on the bus did you get picked up?

I'm okay.

Okay good

Josh sighed feeling a bit overwhelmed for some reason. Once he got home he thought about going to Tyler's just to make sure he's okay. "Hey mom I'm going out okay?"

"Alright,  be home soon."

With a quick nod, he ran off. I should really start running again. He thought while out of breath.

   He knocked on the door, patiently waiting for someone to open up. Kelly eventually opened up the door. "Oh hey Josh, what's up?"

"Is Tyler here?"

"He's upstairs, though he came home with a fevor."

Relivef washed over him as he knew that Tyler was safe. "Okay, tell him I said get well soon."

"I will, take care."

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