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(I don't like this chapter but y'all was begging for an update)


Right now I'm sitting outside of Bianca's apartment because she wasn't answering and I couldn't use my key to get in because she had the security chain on in the inside so I know she's home but it's been like a couple days and she hasn't answered.

"Hey B it's just me Ashley checking on you again. Just text me or something I'll see you later." I said leaving a message on her phone.

"She didn't answer again?" Eli asked me.

I shook my head.

"Listen don't work about it baby just text her she's probably fine. I'm sure Rock would've said something by now if she wasn't." He said backing out of the parking space.

I really didn't want to call David but I felt like I should because we haven't heard from her since she told us she would handle the thing with Rock the other day.

"Should we call David?" I asked Eli.

"I would yeah if you're that worried." He told me nodding.

"Okay I'm about to." I said going to his number.

"Hello?" He asked sounding confused as to why I would call him because we still haven't really talked.

"Hey I was just calling because I'm really worried about B." I told him.

"What you mean you worried about her what happened?" He said.

"Well for one I been meaning to say something but I'm worried about her and her pain pills I don't know if I'm the only person who noticed but she takes them literally like they're candy. She said it's the only way she feels better because they aren't that strong but she's on 3 different pain meds she shouldn't be taking them like that especially when she doesn't eat and also we haven't heard from her since the day we were all at her house." I said.

"Nah I noticed the shit with the pills but I ain't want to say something right then and there because you know how she can get and I don't want her lashing out at any of us so I left it alone. I'm worried but not too much over the pills but the fact that we haven't heard from her is worrying me I even went but her house and she didn't answer. She did text me back though but I need to see her face to face it's not the same." He said.

"We just left from her house but she didn't answer again and the chain was on the door so I knew she was home." I said.

"I'm out right now I'll head over there and see what I can do." He told me which let me know that he's most likely going to break in.

"Okay just call one of us and let us know." I said.

"Iight sis I will." He said and hung up.

"Hopefully David will see her or something because I'm worried about what might've happened between her and Rock. I know she's a hot head." I said.

"It'll be fine okay? I'm sure she's good they probably just handling this by themselves."

"But that's my best friend."

"But she's grown and she can take care of herself even right now with all this going on I'm sure she got this." He told me and I nodded as he took my hand on the way back to his house.

David was glad to find out Eli was alive and they been back to building the relationship they had and he helped Eli get back on his feet. He back in the game but he claims it's only for a little while until he good again and he will stop. But I think he's just saying that just cause he thinks that's what I want.

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