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"Man Talia move I'm not in the mood to be playing right now." I said scrolling through my IG feed.

"Damn Dave what's wrong with you?" She said plopping down next to me.

"I'm just not in the mood right now to be playing that's all." I said.

"You ain't been in the mood for weeks what's up with you?" She said.

"Man I just got shit going on." I said texting Bianca telling her I need to see her.

She sighed snatching my phone out of my hand "You never want to talk to me about nothing but you quick to go see that bitch-."

"Yo watch your mouth T forreal." I warned her cutting off because I already knew where the conversation was going and I didn't want to have a reason to put my hands on this girl cause if its one thing I don't play about it's Bianca and she already knows that.

"Man Dave tell me what you want to do cause clearly we not getting no where." She said.

"Yeah you right." I said not caring because she been fucking with her ex anyways thinking I ain't know we might as well dead this shit now.

"You acting like you don't give a fuck." She said.

"Because I don't. You been fucking with Greg ass again anyways. Next time he beat your dumb ass don't call me." I said bluntly.

She looked at me in disbelief.

"Imma head out." I said getting up to leave.

"Dave I'm sorry." She said grabbing my arm.

The crazy part is I actually care about this dumb ass girl but if she want to put herself back in the position to get her ass beat then so be it.

"It's iight T that nigga got some dumb ass hold on you and I can't be here to save you, you gotta do this shit on your own." I said to her kissing her forehead and leaving out before she could say anything else.

I FaceTimed Bianca once I got in the car and she took forever before she answered.

"What David?" She answered.

I observed her surroundings she was at home in her bed she probably just ain't want to talk to me and I don't blame her.

"Wow I can't get a Hello?" I scoffed.

"Hey Dave." She waved sarcastically.

Man I can't believe we got to this.

"Yeah well me either." She said.

"I ain't even know I said that out loud but forreal Bianca I don't like how we been these last couple of months." I said to her.

"Me either David." She mumbled.

"Man when you going to let me come get you?" I asked her

She been ignoring a nigga for 2 weeks I need her with me. It been hard going from seeing her ass all the time to her just no talking to me.

"Never Dave what do you want? What you been blowing me up for?" She said.

"Damn you acting cold towards a nigga what the fuck?" I said screw facing her.

"What you expect Dave?" She sighed. "We gotta end this before it gets too messy." She said.

"Nah that's not what we're doing." I shook my head lighting my blunt.

She looked at me intently focused on me. She was thinking hard and I want to know about what.

"What's going on what's on your mind?" I said as I parked in my driveway.

"I just don't know why we ain't leave shit as it was..." she trailed off looking at me slightly smiling.

I knew exactly what she meant and a part of me felt the same way but then again I don't regret none of this.

"Heard you but we can't do shit about it now B. You know I hate admitting this shit to you that's why you only get it out of me when I'm drunk but you have no idea how much I depend on you being there for me. Yeah I got your brothers them my boys but you and I always been on a different level man we talk about everything you know shit about me nobody will ever know. I've cried to you and you know how hard it is for me to let my guard down with anybody but you the only one who get it out of me these last 2 weeks been hard on a nigga B you know how I get when you ain't around me." I said to her.

"I know Dave and you know it's the same way with me but this shit getting out of hand. Have you even noticed that we argue more than we ever have. We starting to say shit that we shouldn't be to each other and I don't want it to get to a point where it goes from two week to us dead not talking to each other ever. I don't want to lose my friend. We crossed a line we can't get back over and that's the problem." She said.

"I wish shit was easier baby girl I really do but it seem like it's getting more difficult." I said.

"It could be harder I honestly thought I would be in love with your stupid ass by now and I hate to say it but I'm glad I'm not cause I can't deal with this no more." She said throwing me off.

"Why I gotta be stupid?" I asked.

"David you really gotta ask that? It took you how long to convince me that if we got together and told my brothers about us everything would be fine but then in the same breath you was out fucking Jayla my Bestfriend at that and oh yeah the same night you said you loved me you left to go to Talia. Then you always talking about you want to see me but be here less than five minutes cause you "got business to handle." You were right I'm not your girl but shit the way you was talking you can't be mad I expected more from you." She said.

"I know I fucked up but I meant all that shit I said. This situation ain't easy. If it was different and your brothers weren't involved we would've been together right?" I asked.

She nodded "Yeah most likely."

"Look I admit we put ourselves in this position and we shouldn't of but I'm not about to turn my love off for you and go on like this shit never happened." I said.

"Dave we gotta stop and that's the bottom line. We both know how much we got in this but we gotta let it go now and move on before it gets to a point we both don't want it to go." She said.

"So what we about to do?" I said seeing she wasn't changing her mind about anything and I knew she was right.

"I don't know... I know I don't want to lose you and if that mean going back to just being bestfriend's or whatever then I guess that's what we gotta do." She shrugged sounding hurt.

I already knew this shit wasn't going to be easy but I never knew the shit would be this hard either. I love her ass and I gotta find some way to get that out my mind and go back to the way shit used to be.

"Man I don't like this shit." I said frustrated.

She just looked me in my eyes I already knew this wasn't about to end good and some body was going to end up hurt. Probably the both of us.

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