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"Baby can you leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled at Ella while she kept trying to feed me.

"Boogie I understand you are upset because it's been almost 2 weeks and we haven't found them but you not eating isn't going to do anything but make you sick and then you won't be any help come on baby." She said sitting my plate she made down on the dresser and coming to sit next to me on the edge of the bed.

"Ella I just don't want to be bothered right now." I told her grabbing my lighter and blunt and leaving her sitting there.

Yeah my girl pregnant and yeah I think I'm being kind of mean to her but she been acting like shit is all okay. B and Ash still missing the two people she calls her sisters just like I do and yet she doesn't seem that interested in finding them. Neither does Don which caused us to get into a fight a few days ago.

I want to find my sisters now not sit around moping because of Dave being dead or eat every time Ella thinks I'm not taking care of myself I don't have time for those things because what I'm trying to avoid is adding two more people we all love and care about to the grave yard yeah it's still hurting all of us that Dave is gone and yes it hurts that Bianca and Ashley are gone but to avoid an even worse situation we need to find them and fast.


"Ouch." I yelled as I winced in pain from being shoved back into the basement onto the concrete floor. The wall to wall carpeting didn't cushion anything.

While we were sleeping last night some guys came into the room Bianca and I were in and snatched us up taking us upstairs and into separate rooms. I was beaten up pretty bad but all I could think about were the screams that came from Bianca in the other room. The images of what they were probably doing to her in there were all that passed through my head the whole day.

"Woah woah hold on." Eli said looking up from the couch and running over to me as I struggled to get up myself.

He grabbed me up bridal style and walked me over to the couch sitting me down.

"Thanks." I said quietly.

He went to the kitchen and I heard him getting some ice.

He came back over with a towel full of ice handing it to me and I immediately put it on the side of my face where I was kicked at.

"Is B down here yet?" I asked him and his eyes looked sad as he shook his head no.

My heart dropped.

"I can't get her screams out of my head. I need to know she's okay." I said.

"Listen I know what you're thinking. They would make it a point to let you know if she was dead..." he trailed off.

"How do you know? I don't know if my brother is alive another one is dead and now I have no idea if Bianca is alive or not I can't handle this. I can't." I said as my voice cracked.

He came close to me and wrapped his arms around me tightly as I cried quietly into his shoulder.

"I came in here with my boy. Tariq." He chuckled but not humorously.

"We ended up in here because of a drug connect that went all wrong. We got stupid with our business and once we got the taste of
money we could only dream about before getting in the fame we felt like we had it all. We felt like we had to answer to nobody but as they say there's always some one bigger and badder our there and we met our match. We had a meeting with a dealer in South Carolina. We had to exchange our product for their money instead of doing that we gave them fake drugs and took the 1.5 they gave us for them. We thought we were good until we ended up here. Tariq was my nigga forreal we grew up together  from the age of 2 and anybody who knew us knew that so if you wanted one you had to get us both that's how we got here together. Same thing happens to us after a while some niggas came and jumped us bad it happened a few times until the last time..." he paused as his voice got uneasy.

"Normally we would end up back down here and laugh about getting jumped by them pussy ass niggas and talk about what we were going to do to them once we got out of here. I waited 3 days for him to be thrown back down here as usual but he never was. For the next week they made it there mission to hurt me the worst anybody ever has... at first they threw some of this dreads down so I figured he was alive just being tortured. But as the days went on it went from his dreads to his fingers and toes once they threw his whole arm down here I knew he was gone. His arm was frozen solid like his toes and fingers were... I ain't the smartest nigga but it ain't take long for me to figure out he was dead after that. When I got the rest of his frozen body parts eventually I had already let myself go through the grieving process of losing my only real brother." He told me.

"E I'm so sorry." I told him. I can't imagine how that felt. To lose somebody and then go through the pain he must've felt seeing something that horrible. These people are sick.

He shrugged "I've dealt with it." He said as we heard crying and finally the door opened and I saw Bianca with a bloody face and arms  and blood running down her legs. She could barely walk so Eli went to help her.

"Oh my god." I mumbled as tears came to my eyes.

He walked her slowly to the couch and she cried out as she sat down.

"What happened to you?" I asked her.

"They wouldn't stop!" She cried into her hands. Elijah rubbed her back and I sat while tears streamed down my face.

"I begged them to stop to just kill me over and over again... they took turns with me. They didn't care how many times I hit them because they hit me right back every where and so much harder..." she told us and continued to sob harder and harder.

I want to cry right with her but I have to be strong for my best friend.
I never imagined having to go through something like this with her. I wish I could just take her pain away but I can't.

Elijah wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she fell into him crying harder and harder than before.

"I-I need, I n-need David." She cried out barely able to get out those words.

I've never seen her like this I knew looking at her she'd never be the same Bianca. She was broken.

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