Chapter 46

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Meg's POV

Diana was gone...that was it. I didn't know if I would see her again. I knew we were both from the same time but it felt like losing her I was losing a part of myself. She was a sister to me, though blood did not relate us. Watching Achilles cry was something I never thought would happen, yet it did. Hector kept himself busy when he wasn't crying. Two strong men from the past taken down by the death of a woman from the future, sound like something Diana would do I giggle at the thought. Most other kingdoms would see this as a day of peace and for that we were grateful.

Walking through the halls I tried to occupy my own mind, though it did me no good. I could still see Diana trying to find me in this giant palace. Alec was her only son, he stayed right beside his father just to help them both get through this horrible time. At times I could see Diana in him too, she was that spark of rebellion he had, that glitter in his eyes that made you think he could do no wrong.

"Attack!" A loud yell came from the courtyard.

Rushing to the balcony I look down at the courtyard and can see Agamemnon's men raiding the palace. This was not good! Running through the halls I make my way to Alec's room, inside I see Achilles already in his armor. Livitica came in through a secret passage and grabbed Alec's hand pulling him inside before closing the door to the secret door and locking it.

"What is that pig doing here?!" I yell at Achilles who takes his sword and readies it.

"He's not done yet, he want's Diana's head and there is no way I will ever let him take it." Achilles said as he took off out of the room.

Knocking on the secret passage way I tell the children to stay silent and keep hidden in the room, of course they agree, and I leave the room. Running to catch up with either Achilles or Hector I just happen to bump into Paris who looked beyond disheveled.

"What is going on?" he questions as he looks around.

"Achilles told me Agamemnon wants Diana's head! We have to stop him." I tell Paris as I try to hold my emotions together.

"We need to find Hector!" Paris says as he grabs my hand and pulls me along with him to find his brother.

It doesn't take us long either, Hector is also dressed in armor as he sees us walk into the throne room.

"Achilles told us what he wants. We will not allow that pig to take the head of my wife!" Hector commands as he leaves the throne room.

Paris and I follow right behind the guards. We didn't know what to expect since it really didn't seem like many of Agamemnon's men in the palace. Opening a secret passage to the tunnel that lead to the vault, Hector led the men down and was surprised to see Achilles fighting probably one of the biggest men I had ever seen.

"She's dead! Just give me her head!" the soldier yells out to Achilles as they continue to fight.


Hector orders his men to help Achilles as he runs to Diana's spot and breaks the seal. He knew that he had to get her body out of there no matter what. Paris joined his brother and they broke the seal together. Pushing the lid to the vault aside the quickly opened the lid and were met with a surprise neither of them expected.

"She's gone..." Paris looks bewildered as he looked to Hector.

Achilles finished the man off and quickly went to look as well. Paris spoke truly, Diana's body was not there and when I went over I saw only her clothes and crowned remained. Picking up her gown and crown and the men looked confused. Then I saw something I didn't think I would ever see again. Diana's ring, one that I had given to her the first day we arrived in Greece. Picking the ring up I can't help but smile and cry at the same time.

"She's safe...I just know it." I speak with tears rolling down my face.

"You'll see her again, I promise each of you." Achilles mother randomly shows up again. "Time can be quite a fickle thing."

Unsure what to make of the woman I watch her carefully as she takes her hand and carefully points it towards the three of us.

"The time that came and the time that was made." Were the only words I could understand her say before she blew dust our way.

Once I smelled the dust, it smelled just like the ocean...that's when everything went dark. What would happen to us now? Would I ever see Diana again and know that she was safe, or would I forever be trapped in Troy?

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