Chapter 10

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Meg's Pov

I didn't know Diana's plan and that was what she wanted. Still that didn't mean that I didn't worry about her. After all she may not be my sister by blood but she was still just that, my sister. I saw her disappear into the distance leaving me to explain things to both Achilles and Patroclus. I will get her back for this one day. Walking past the tents I see one of the other women talking to Patroclus and a burst of jealousy flows through my veins. I walk right up to him and pull him away. Well no time like the present, lets see if I can give him a heart attack.

"You are going to be a father. May wanna stay away from the whores now. Wouldn't want our child to see you like that." I tell him and then just walk off to leave him in shock.

"MEG!" he calls out to me, oh right Patroclus never stays in one place for a long time.

I turn around and wait for him to catch up to me. I knew he may take it bad and that was the part of the whole situation I fear. Crossing my arms he finally reaches my side. He grabs me and pulls me into his arms in a long embrace. After a few moments he pulls away then looks me up and down. Seriously what was he looking for? Did they not know some girls take a while to show?

"Truly our child grows inside of you." he asks me as he puts his hand on my stomach.

"That sounds weird when you put it like that but yes that is what is happening." I tell him as he smiles and grabs me and pulls me into a kiss.

Hector's POV

Standing on the balcony with my father as he begins to tell me what he may plan to do. My father is a wise ruler and I would do whatever he asked of me. As I look back out to the city though I am able to see a person get nudged. It was a young woman and we she was nudged her hood fell off revealing very familiar red hair. Could it really be her? Would she come back to me?

"An arranged marriage is hardly what you want and I understand that but it may be our only option." my father tells me as I turn to him surprised by what he says.

"Forgive me father, I believe I am needed elsewhere at the moment." I tell him as I quickly excuse myself.

I turn and walk away from my father. One goal was in my head, find Diana and see why she had returned and if she was willing to stay for good this time. Walking past the guards and servants of course Paris sees me and can tell I am in a bit of a rush so he comes up to my side.

"Where are you going?" he asks me as I am about to step out of the palace.

"I'll tell you when I return. Until then don't leave this place." I say as I walk out and Paris stays standing in shock. 

Walking well almost running through the market I try to find her. I know she had come hidden but I was still hoping that I could find her. Lucky for me I found the man that bumped into her. After a long argument he finally told me which way he saw her go. Following the mans directions I find myself almost to the palace when I see a hooded figure standing before me.

"Stop! By order of the prince!" I call out to the figure who freezes but dares to turn my way before taking off her hood, revealing the figure to be Diana.

"Ordering me around now your highness?" she asks me as she does a small bow.

" came back?" I ask her curious as to know her reasoning for all of this.

"I had to, let's say I made a deal one that would save countless lives but you have to get me into the palace. You would do that for me wouldn't you Hector?" she asks me as she slowly walks up to me.

Not needing further encouragement I grabbed her and forced my lips upon hers. I didn't care what deal she made to come back, all I needed was her here and now. Just to have her back in my arms would be worth a deal with Hades himself. Unfortunately our kiss ended and I took her inside the palace. Paris and Diana had come to the deal together they both confessed to me. She didn't agree to marry him or myself but just to come back to the palace. That didn't matter to me. I knew if she had to Diana would chose me over my brother. That's when they began to explain their plan to me.

Helen's POV

Walking into the large throne room I had to admit I was somewhat surprised to see the King with most of the city in the room as well. I did not know why I was summoned here but something told me that the reasoning would not be good for me. In fear I sat down in my spot as the rest of the people came inside. What surprised me most was when Paris did not sit beside me but by his father. Hector was on the far end of the room guarding a pair of doors or so it would seem.

"My son, you have called upon us today do tell us what you have to say." the old King tells him youngest son, my silly lover.

Paris rose and walked to the center of the room and to be honest I did not pay much attention to what he said at first. Then I heard my name and that I do admit gained my interest.

"A trade has been offered and I have accepted with your permission Father." Paris says as the King stands and walks up to his son.

"Do tell what trade? Would this end this foolish war?" the king asks Paris who nods at him.

"Both Hector and I believe that it will." Paris tells his father encouragingly.

"What have they wished to trade?" the king asks and I stand wanting to know for myself who or what they wished to trade me for!

"Helen for this woman." Paris says and he looks to Hector who opens the door and brings out a figure in a hooded cloak.

I walk forward only to be blocked off by guards. What right did they have to try and stop me? I push past them and pulls the figures cloak down. As the cloth drops so does my jaw as the cloaked figure is revealed to be Diana! The one woman who was here but was said to have ran away!

"You are trading me for a common whore?!" I yell at Paris as I lunge at him only to be caught by a guard.

"She is not a common whore, royal blood flows through her veins and it is purer than yours." Hector comes to her defense not as though that would shock me.

I look at Diana and notice she is dressed in fine Trojan clothing. One of them would marry her! Of course they would especially since she had royal blood which I highly doubted. Why had she returned though? Where was her sister as well? I thought those two didn't go anywhere without one another.

"Enough! The trade has been accepted. Helen go prepare your things you will leave first thing tomorrow morning." the king says as he dismisses me.

I turn and run out of the room crying, hopefully that will make someone want to come and help me. It has worked in the past after all.

Diana's POV

Oh dear lord what in the world have I done? This is totally rewriting history and I can't seem to stop myself. Yes I agreed to the deal that Paris gave me. How could I not? I wouldn't let anymore blood be spilled all because of Helen and her raging hormones so I did what I had to do. Yes it was probably not the smartest thing to do but it is done now.

"Welcome back Diana to your new home." The King said as he gave me a kind hug.

"Thank you my King." I tell him as I bow to him.

The King smiles as he walks out of the room. Everyone else was either making odd faces at me or welcoming me to their city. Most of them were nice but a few others well they weren't. They didn't like me being so close to the royal family.

"Diana, come you will need to get some rest." Hector tells me as he and Paris lead me out of the room.

Whatever I had started it was too late to get out of now, maybe that was the part that scared me to death.

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