Chapter 5

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Diana's POV

As we reach the beach Meg will not let me mysteriously disappearing go. I know I can't tell her the truth she would just freak out trust me I know. I just watch her as she wades into the ocean. I had to think of something and quick. I look over and see the priestess refuses to go into the water. Wow that really doesn't shock me at all. It may melt her after all. I wade in beside Meg and start to do our chores. About half way through I feel something pulling my leg and all the sudden I fall into the water.

"Diana!" I hear Meg yell as I fight against the thing in the water. "Patroclus it's Diana!"

Meg tries to get in to help me but a few of the other girls hold her back. I keep coming to the surface when I can for air as I feel whatever it is pulling me out deeper into the ocean. Finally it drags me under and I can see what it is. One of the other princess, one of the ones I had noticed was talking to the priestess a lot. I didn't want to go out like this. Just as I try to fight her I feel a strong pair of hands pull me up to the surface. I look around and notice we are no where near anyone. I turn around to see who saved me and to my surprise it's Hector. I swear that prince doesn't listen to anyone.

"Diana? are you alright?" Hector asks me in a panicked tone.

"There was a woman she pulled me under and held me there." I try to explain to him as I grip onto his shoulders and he holds me close to him.

Then the cause comes up out of the water. Hector just glares at her as do I.

"Why were you trying to murder her?" Hector asks the woman.

"The priestess said she was evil. Mermaids belong in the water not on land." the woman replies.

Oh for the love of god. Again with the mermaid thing? I am really starting to regret that joke. I look down at the woman and really want to attack her but am too weak from trying to fight her off.

"Get out of here!" Hector yells at the woman.

The woman nods and starts swimming for shore. Hector holds my waist as he begins the swim back. Finally we make it back to the beach. Great now I really owed him for saving my life. He picks me up bridal style as he reaches a part of the water where he can stand. This part of the beach isn't too far from where we were in the beginning. I hold onto Hector for dear life. I don't want to fall into the water again. Then I feel Hector lay me down upon the sand.

"For a mermaid you can't swim very well." Hector tells me with a chuckle.

"Well, it would have helped if I had my fins." I tell him as I look up at him. "You saved me though, thank you."

"It's not everyday a mermaid is in debt to a human." Hector says as he sits down beside me.

"I'm sure they will come looking for me. You need to leave before they find you here." I tell him as I lay there in the sand too tired to move.

"Don't I get a prize for rescuing you?" he asks me as he turns to look at me.

"I thought me getting your cousin to you was enough." I tell him.

"No that is a different matter. Just one wish?" he asks me as he leans on his arm in the sand.

"What could you possibly want from me?" I ask him as I look up into his eyes.

"Just one thing fair one. One simple kiss." he asks of me.

A part of me admits we did kind of see this coming and the other part is still a little shocked as he looks down at me almost as if he were asking permission. I know he saved me and that I owe him but a kiss? What if we got caught and that made things worse? I just barely smile at him as he leans down and the next thing I know his lips are on mine. For a prince he really seems to know how to kiss quite well. His kiss is different though, it soft, sweet and gentle not claiming at all but very simple. Then he pulls away and looks down at me with a small smile on his face.

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