Chapter 22

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Hector's POV

Diana had rushed to us as we were accepting a peace gift from the Greeks claiming we shouldn't trust them. Fearing she had come down with fever and that she was imagining things so I picked her up and carried her back to her room, very much against her will. Laying her back on her bed as a servant brought me water and a rag to try and cool Diana down because her body was very hot. As I tried to calm her she began to try and make me promise that I would not allow the horse inside the gates of the city which I agreed to so that she would lay down and rest.

"You don't understand, if you let that thing in here it will bring nothing but death for you and your people with it." She tells me as I put the rag on her head.

Her body is sweating and it looks like a fever is running through her body as I place the rag on her head.

"I swear to you, I will not allow it to be let inside the city." I tell her and after my words she stops resisting me and rests on the bed.

Looking at her I fear for the worse, I fear someone has poisoned her and that the poison it going through her body making her sicker. Keeping the rag on her forehead I take another rag and try to cool off the rest of her body. Something was wrong with her and I feared leaving her on her own. I didn't want her to wake up even worse and no one to be there to care for her. So I took Diana in my arms and laid down beside her. I could feel her body was starting to cool off and continued to use the rags to keep her calm and cool. Hope began to return to me when after a few hours it seemed as though the fever had broken. What I didn't expect was for her to awaken and kiss me with more passion then I had ever felt from one person. I quickly pulled away from her thinking it was the sickness again only to look at her face as see she was no longer sweaty and her skin was normal to the touch.

"I was never sick, I was scared, I don't want you to die." Diana said as she leaned forward and kissed me again.

As she tangled her fingers in my hair I could feel my need for her grow as I was sure her need for myself was growing as well and that night Diana and I gave into one another. I didn't know what she was talking about when she told me she didn't want me to die but all I knew was if she wanted me then I was not going to be a fool and deny her.

The next morning, the sun shined brightly in a room I knew was not my own. I could feel someone laying against me as well. Turning to my left I saw Diana fast asleep in my embrace. Last night's event came back to my mind and though a part of me was confused the majority of myself was very happy. Diana was someone I truly loved and would honestly give my life for. As I kissed her temple I knew that at least today she did not have a fever. That's when she began to stir from her sleep and her eyes open and met my gaze.

"Do you feel better?" I ask her as she smiles at me and for a moment I see a small blush upon her face.

"Yes, though I have already told you I was not sick." Diana replies as she keeps her gaze upon me.

"How do you feel though? Any sickness at all?"

Diana thought for a moment then shook her head.

"None, I feel absolutely fine." She replied with a shrug then wrapped herself in the sheet as she walked off behind the screen in her room.

"I know Paris and my father will want to know you are well, will you please come eat with us?" I question as I begin to get up from the bed and get dressed.

"Yes, I suppose I should after I made a fool of myself yesterday." She replied as she came out from behind the screen but instead of her usual white dress this time she wears a royal blue dress, a color much like the one I wear. "What? Does it not suit me?"

Dressed in my robe I walk over to her and take her in my arms and kiss her. It was as though something else had control of my body as I had her with me. Nothing was how it was before, I wanted to be close to her and seeing her in the color reserved only for royalty was the final sign I took from the gods, Diana was here with me and soon I would ask her to be mine.

"It suits you far better than the white you wear." I reply as she looks up at me with a small smile. "Come and let us eat."

Diana's POV

I am in so much trouble! I slept with Hector! Oh in my time I would be called a slut or well I'm not going to name all the names I would be called but something took over me last night. It was like I couldn't stay away from him and once we kissed that was it, I wanted more of the kiss, more of him. I know I am a horrible person and how could I do such a thing but I couldn't help it! I am human after all and what's even worse is a part of me doesn't even regret it! Meg would kill me if she would see me not to mention Achilles would probably kill Hector.

"Diana, it's good to see you child, are you feeling better today?" The king asks as he hugs me and then looks me over.

"Much better, please forgive me for the way I acted yesterday, I don't know what came over me." I begin to explain as I watch Paris walk up behind his father.

"Thank the gods, you walk today and even smile. Do tell us whatever happened yesterday is now gone?" Paris questions as he stops my explanation.

"I believe so, thank you for your concern, all of you." I smile as I look at the Royal family and know that the horse is still here and if I must fight whoever was in there I wouldn't let any of the royal family die.

"Good, we are to see our gift from the Greeks right after breakfast, come you need a good meal my dear." The king says as he leads me to where breakfast is.

Paris and Hector stay back for a moment which makes me more suspicious but I follow the King and play my part. After a very good and very much needed breakfast I follow the royal family out to the center of the town where the Horse is displayed. Knowing perfectly well if Achilles was in the horse that he would see me on the arm of Hector and knowing this fact, a part of my heart broke. No matter what I tried to do I knew a part of me loved them both. How would I be able to choose? Sitting down in the chair I watched as Paris and Hector inspected the horse. Closing my eyes praying that the Greek wouldn't jump out just yet.

"It seems the Greeks have accepted defeat and their woman as well." The King said with a small chuckle as he looked over at me.

"It would seem that way my king." I say as I bow my head to him.

Meg's POV
This is so not good. Looking through the crack I can see Diana dressed in royal blue. Thinking maybe her and Hector were an item was something I had done for a long time but now the proof was before my eyes. Looking back to the men in the center, silently planning their attack I pray that Achilles doesn't look over and happen to see Diana. However, we all know my luck sucks because he does look over and within a few moments I can see the anger and rage come forward in his eyes as he looks at me.

"They lied to us Meg, Diana lives and she is with that prince, I'll be sure to take his life now." Achilles says as he takes out his sword.

"Not now you fool!" Agamemnon says as he stops Achilles. "We wait for nightfall then kill whoever you want, even the woman."

Ok, Agamemnon was now at the top of my kill list since now he had pretty much told Achilles to kill Diana. Achilles shook his head as if he were telling Agamemnon no that he wouldn't kill Diana. Of course, he wouldn't kill her, he loved her...right?

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