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AN: Xavier's beta Reid

Chapter 12

Haley got full halfway through the banana and set it down. Taking a sip of water Xavier studied her from across the counter.

"Oh she's awake!" The unknown man boomed excitedly as he entered the room which started Haley.

She looked over at the man who was not as big or as muscular as Xavier but he was still quite intimidating especially if he was not compared to Xavier. She had placed him as the driver of the car that they had took her in earlier this morning.

Reid stood tall at about six foot one. His face was sharp and well defined. He had average sized lips and a long nose that freckles ran across and onto his hollowed cheeks which pronounced his cheekbones greatly. He had dark eyebrows that hovered over his dark hazel eyes surrounded by long black eyelashes. He had dark brown hair that was disheveled as if he only ran his hands though it in the morning.

Xavier replied to his observation with a head nod and then both men left while talking, leaving Haley alone in the kitchen. The two men went to the office talking about things like the pack, any threats, or rouges.

Haley got up from the chair and started to wonder aimlessly around the house. She found different rooms around the house as she let her mind consume her with thoughts. Xavier came to mind. He was quite handsome and seemed to be nice as he tried to provide her some warmth and food. But what slightly scared Haley was his short temper that went off at almost anything that he didn't like and the fact that he kidnapped her.

She didn't like that he took her and just dropped her in this unfamiliar place that Haley had never seen or even heard of before.

Haley was pulled out of though as she opened a door just a few doors down from the bedroom she was previously sleeping in.

There was a giant shiny black piano that caught Haley's attention when she opened the door. She was immediately drawn to it and she pulled out the bench seat sitting down in the middle of it. She delicately removed the cover from the keys and lightly ran her fingers over the unworn and most likely untouched keys as she admired its prestige condition. Her slim fingers pressed a few keys individually while thinking of what her mom used to say about listening to each sound of the note as she first learned how to play the piano. A tear slipped down her cheek and landed on one of the keys as she thought of her deceased mother.

Haley pulled the cover back over the keys knowing she couldn't deal with those emotions on top of the ones she was already feeling with being in this unfamiliar place. She also didn't want to get in trouble for touching the piano now that she thought about it.

Haley walked out and wandered back to the room that she had woken up in. She laid down in the bed soon drifting off to sleep without realizing she was even tired.


It had been two days staying with Xavier and not seeing the Devin's. Haley had started to miss them and the bacon and potatoes that was a regular food in the house even if she hardly ate much of it. Haley turned over looking at the clock and it read one twenty four. The soft breathing next to Haley came from Xavier who would come in after Haley fell asleep and he would sleep next to her. It made her feel a little weird as he was still basically a stranger but he made her feel safe and warm just being around him at the same time so she dismissed the thoughts of completely pushing him away.

Haley got up as she was not able to fall back asleep from the weird dream she couldn't seem to remember now. She wandered out of the room letting her body do what it may till she found herself in the same guest room that she was in a few days ago. She started to touch the keys and it was like a dam broke.

She started to cry hysterically as she plays her mothers favorite song which also happened to be the last one she had learned, "secret lover".  She remembered her mom telling her the story behind why it happened to be her favorite song.

Her mother Hadlee and father Jake were almost like secret lovers the way they had always liked each other and kept their relations out of sight because people didn't always approve for an unknown reason to Haley. Also a guy claimed to really like Hadlee but was mentally crazy and could possibly do anything crazy and hurt a loved one which Hadlee did not like the ideal of.

Haley sobbed as her fingers danced in the piano keys with a mind of their own. With the last note floating through the air she put her face in her warm hands. The arms of Xavier wrapped around Haley's waist making her flinch. Tingles and little lightning bolts shot through their bare skin as it brushed against each other.

"Denique te amare." Was whispered in Haley's ear as she was picked up from her seat and now sat in Xavier's lap curled against his chest. (Your fine love)

He rubbed her back soothingly as she continued to cry into his bare chest. Xavier picked his mate up carrying her with him as he walk to his office. Haley sniffles softly in his lap as he pulled a pen and paper in front of her so she could respond to his questions.

"What's wrong?" Xavier asked as his voice filled with concern and worry.

'I wanna go back home.' A tear dropped on Haley's note as she wrote.

AN: here's just another one bc I apologize for not remembering yesterday.

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