You Were Right: L.J

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"Y/N how did you even meet this guy again?" I smiled slightly at the mention of Max. I met him like four weeks ago. We met at as he was running he only had some shorts and a tight t-shirt. Which I found really hot. While he was running her accidentally ran into me. That's how we met. We've been talking ever since.

"We just ran into each other." Lauren shook her head. "I don't like this guy. Before you anything I just don't have a good vibe from the guy." I sighed and looked at Lauren. "You just have to get to know him." She shook her head and sighed. "I'll see what I can do. I have to go to the studio I'll see you later." She got up but before she could leave she turned around and looked at me. "What his name again?" I looked at Lauren but I couldn't read her like I usually could. "Where you even listening to me? His name is Max Allen." She nodded and left the apartment. I turned around and sighed.

It won't be long until she starts to like Max to.


Lauren's POV

I couldn't help the jealously that I felt when Y/N would talk about this Max guy. I don't like this guy. I just don't have good vibe from this. And don't like because I'm jealous but because I'm worried about Y/N. She's too sweet and innocent for her to actually see the bad in some people. She's just too sweet. And I'm going to find out every thing about this guy. To make sure this guy is worth my baby girls time.

Yes I like my best friend but she doesn't know and doesn't feel the same way.

"Hey Lauren you asked for me." Jay asked as he walked into the room. I nodded. "Yea I need you to look up someone. You know do that detective thing you do." He furrowed his eye brows. "Uh yea sure. What's their name?" "He goes by Max Allen." He nodded as he wrote it down. But then he furrowed his eye brows and looked at me. "Isn't that Y/NN's boyfriend?" I could feel my insides start to boil. "They aren't dating. But that's him. I just don't have a good feeling from the guy." He nodded. "Alright I'll see what can I do. You're always usually right about your feelings like this. I'll call when I find something." I nodded and thanked him.

I'm positive that I'm right.


I held the urge to roll my eyes as Y/N kept on talking about this guy. But i couldn't help but smile when I saw the smile on her face. That smile. She would be smiling so big her dimples would show. Those dimples that I loved so much.

"Lo." She giggled. There's that giggle that I also love to hear. She's just so beautiful and amazing. She deserves better than that guy. She deserves someone who loves her unconditionally. "Lo you aren't listening." I looked at her to see her smiling at me. "Sorry what did you say." She smiled. "I-Max!" I felt my shoulders fall. I looked down when my phone rang. I looked back at Y/N who was smiling as she hugged Max.

"Hello." I said answering the phone.

"Hey Lauren it's Luke. Um I don't have any good news. The name you gave. It doesn't exist. Like there's no profile to Max Allen. There's no file, no birth certificate, no nothing. There's nothing to this guy. Can you send me a picture of him? Maybe I can face scan him. Right now this isn't looking good at all."

"Yea. Yea I'll do that right now."

I quickly went to my camera and looked at the guy that was with my best friend. He was facing me but he wasn't looking at me. I quickly snapped a picture sending it to Luke.

"There. Wait so-Lauren I'll call you back as soon as I find out more about his guy. Just make sure Y/N doesn't go anywhere with him." He said sounding very worried.

"Yea okay." My heart was pounding as I hung up the phone. I looked up only to see that they were both gone. I scrambled to my feet. I looked around the apartment only to see that no one was here but me. Y/N never leaves without telling me.

I jumped when I heard my phone ring. I answered but before I could I heard Luke's worried voice.

"Lauren get Y/N and get away from the guy. Find any excuse to get away from him. Both of you need to get away from him. He's dangerous. You need-Y/N left with him. When I got done talking to you I looked up and they were both gone." I said panicking.

"Okay just stay there and try to get Y/N on the phone. But just make sure she doesn't panic or do anything to make Bill hurt her." "Bill?" "That's his real name. I'll explain as soon as I get there and I put inform other cops to look for Y/N. Just stay there I'll be there as soon as can.


I smiled as Max and I drove to his house. I felt bad that we left without telling Lauren we were leaving. I always tell her before we leave. Lauren is my best friend. And even though I feel more for her I've never told her. Cause I don't want to lose her. So when I met Max I thought I could move on but the feelings for her is still there.

I looked down when I felt my phone vibrate.

Lolo💚- I know you're with Max but don't act normal around him. He isn't who he says he is. He's criminal and you're in danger. Luke and some officers are on their way to make sure he doesn't hurt you. Just don't be scared. I love you Y/N.

I furrowed my eye brows and put my phone away. I could feel my hands start to sweat. My heart start to beat faster. I looked at Max. But quickly looked out the window to see that we were in the middle of nowhere.

"Wh-Where we going?" I cleared my throat when my voice cracked. He looked at me and smirked but then smiled. "My cabin. I got a surprise for you babe." I felt my chest tighten at the evil look he had in his eyes. He looked forward but then stopped the car. "What the hell?" I looked forward to see what looked to be police cars. I looked closer to see that Lauren and Luke was also standing there.


"Shit. Son of a bitch. That stupid bitch caught on."

"Max? What's-Shut up!" He yelled as he punched me. "I'm trying to think. I felt my eyes fill with tears. He put the car in reverse but then stopped when he saw the police cars in the back. I looked at the door to see that it was unlocked. I carefully took my seat belt off and quickly got out of the car.

"No!" I heard the car door open but I ran towards the cop cars that in front of me. I saw Lauren push her way through the cops running towards me. I was close to her but then I heard a gun shot causing me t stumble forward and fall into Lauren's arms.

"No! Hold your fire!"

I heard someone shout but I kept my eyes shut too scared to open them. "Y/N? Y/N are you hurt? Answer me baby please." I heard Lauren plead as she cried and held me tighter. I opened my eyes and was met with the beautiful pair of green eyes.

"I'm okay." She sighed put in relief and hugged me tighter. I hugged her back just as tight.

"I'm s-sorry I didn't believe you. I should have listened to you. You were right just like every other time. I'm so-Don't Y/NN I'm just glad you're okay."

"Thanks to you."





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