I love you: N.K

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"You know what I'm going out before I say something I regret." Normani said angrily. I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat.

"N-No I'll go you clearly don't want me here anymore cause all we do is seem to fight." I said as I walked out of the hotel. I let my tears fall freely when I got into the elevator. She didn't even follow me out.

Was it a stupid idea? To get jealous. I mean she did say that she had a date with Bonner. She said there's a vibe. I mean who wouldn't get jealous. I brought it up and she got defensive and mad.

I wiped my tears as I walked towards the London Bridge. I know I could have gone to Lauren or Dinah or Ally but they were tired so I didn't want to bother them.

I kept on walking that was up until I saw the Borough Market in view. I sighed and started walking towards that instead of the London Bridge even though it is a beautiful view.

It was pretty dark out.

I should have taken my phone with me. That way I could have called one of the girls to tell them well text them that I was alright. But I don't have my phone. I left in the hotel.

I sighed sadly. I just wish Mani knew how I feel. That she knew every time she was with Bonner it hurt me. That every time-

I turned around when I heard a car coming fast. I turned around. I didn't even have a a chance move before the van can at me fast running me over.

I fell hard on the floor. A sharp pain coming from my leg and arm.

I yelled in pain but it was muffled since someone covered my mouth with their hands when I felt a sharp pain coming from my lower stomach. I then felt multiple punches and kicks to the stomach and the face when I felt myself go limp.


"Come on honey open your eyes." I heard someone say. I slowly opened my eyes to see a doctor. I tried to get up but quickly stopped when I felt a sharp pain shot through out my whole body.

"No No sweetie. Stay still. You are at the hospital. It's a miracle you're still alive with how much blood you have lost." I lazily looked around to see that I was indeed in a hospital.


"Do you want me to call anyone?" I shook my head as she helped me set up on the bed. I sighed sadly as I looked at the tv. There was a reporter talking about what happened last night. Turns out there was three men going out hurting people.

I quickly sat up when the lady mentioned my name.

"Now I was just informed that the first victim of this tragedy was Y/N Y/LN. Most of you now the youngster as the sweet girl from YouTube or Normani Kordei's girlfriend. Y/N was rushed to the hospital once paramedics found her. But thing was they found her hours after she was hurt. Were they too-"

I quickly turned it off. I looked out the window to see that it was raining. I sighed and closed my eyes.

I couldn't help the tears that escaped my eyes. All those people who died or got hurt. They don't deserve that they didn't do anything wrong. Why would someone want to hurt someone else. Why can't everyone just get along. Set their differences aside and make the world a better place.

Was it so hard to have the world at peace?

I don't know how long I've been here but my doctor was here to give me the pain medication for my leg, arm, stomach and pretty much my whole body.

"Excuse me but you can't be in there unless you're family." I heard a nurse say from outside the room.

I looked at the doctor who looked confused he walked towards the door and opened it.

"Please I need to make sure she's okay." I heard that all familiar voice. He looked back at me and I sighed nodding he opened the door wider and Normani and the girls rushed in.

"God Y/N. Are you okay?" I looked at Lauren who sat right next to me. I nodded slightly.

"Why didn't you call us. We were worried about you." Lauren said as she looked sad but also relief that I was okay. I kept my gaze down not meeting anyone's eyes.

"Y/N I'm sorry." I looked up to meet Normani's eyes. They were filled with sadness and regret.

"Why are you-"

"I shouldn't have said what I said. I didn't mean it. I love you. I love you so much. I want you to know that. Last night when you left the hotel room. I felt horrible. I know I should have gone after you but I didn't and for that I'm sorry. If I did, this wouldn't have happened. What happens to you only made me realize how much I love you. I don't know what would have happened if you were one of those victims that died. I'm so- It's okay." I said softly.

"No-Mani it's okay." I said as I reached for her hand.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"So is anyone else still confused on what's happening?" I heard Dinah whisper. I chuckled slightly.


Also Normani is now 21. One of our Queens is growing up. ❤️ Lowkey still pissed she got third place on DWTS.

Prayers go out to the ones that were hurt during the London attach💜💜


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