Fighting Fleas

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The Alpha King 21 

Chapter 21- Fighting Fleas


I has been two weeks since I have spoken to Blaine, at least I think it has. I have been staying in the same room and there's no window. I've been counting by how many times Miles has come in and has given me food. I know I'm wrong it's probably been less than that but I can't feel like it's been forever.

The door slammed open and Miles fame rushing in closing it and locking it behind him. "What's wrong with you?" I asked him rolling my eyes at him.

"Your mate is here," he said smiling and pulling out his knife.

I looked at it as the light caught onto it making it shine a deadly shine. The door banged and I knew that had to be Blaine or whoever he took with him. I moved to get the door only to be pulled back by the chains that were attached to me.

"BLAINE!" I screamed.

I knew it was him that was banging on the door, how? I had that special sensation feeling of bliss whenever he was near by the one that I couldn't ignore because he was made for me.

I saw the door nock down and there was Blaine with a furious face. His eyebrows were scrunched up together, his gorgeous face was red with anger. I saw his body shake as Miles punched me in the stomach.

That was enough to make Blaine turn into wolf form I saw his eyes were as black as his fur. He growled at miles and soon Blaine wasn't the only one in wolf form so was Miles and you could see his grey fur and eyes piercing with hate.

I don't understand why can't Blaine control Miles after all the Alpha King has power over everyone, right? I must have been to caught up in my thoughts because I felt a sharp pain on my stomach. I looked to see my shirt ripped open and three slash marks across my stomach. Blood was pouring out of my stomach and Miles claws went at me again hitting my legs making blood come of them.

Blaine attacked Miles knocking him into me making my head hit the wall. Things started getting blurry and fuzzy my breathing got more difficult.

I soon saw nothing.


Watching Miles attack my mate made me panic and get furious. I slammed my body into Miles and he fell onto Paisley causing her to crash into the wall banging her head. I clawed Miles face and bit into his neck making him wimper I growled at him showing my teeth. He put his tail between his legs and made another move to attack me.

My whole life was being trained by the best people to be a good Alpha King so him attacking me I was prepared. Miles was different when I gave him a command he wouldn't follow it, he was strong only weak wolves follow my command.

I took a big large bite once again and his throat and jerked my head ripping his head off. I spit his grey fur out of my mouth I went to Paisley and nudged her. She was nicked out from that hit I watched as Miles turned into human form with his head off. I looked at his ripped clothing and turned into human form. I grabbed the keys and unlocked the shackles on Paisley's wrists.

I pulled Paisley up in my arms looking at her broken body I rushed seeing everyone else fighting and when they saw me they stopped. I went in the car and hopped in the back putting clothes on as Max drove and Shelby was looking at Paisley.

"Blaine, what happened in there?" Shelby asked.

"Miles," I responded.

I felt something roll down my cheek I put my hand to see what it was. A tear.

"Blaine are you okay I have never seen you cry. You don't cry you even told me are you okay?" Shelby asked me.

"What if she's gone?" I asked looking at Paisley closed eyes. What I would give just to see those grey fierce eyes glaring at me.

"She's going to be fine, just a few bandages and medication to make her feel better," Shelby tried to reassure me but I'm not so sure I mean there are cuts on her legs and stomach and her head go banged.

I'm still mad at Miles, but I'm more mad at myself for not caring enough for Paisley I know that she deserves better than me. The thing is, is that I don't think anyone else is better than me for her. The trip to the hospital took forever and when we finally go there I had to yell at people to take her. Not to mention when I waned to go in they wouldn't let me it was one of those times that I hated everything that people were doing. I know I can't do anything about it because their helping Paisley and if I want what's best for her then I have to submit to other peoples orders.

"Blaine," I jerked my head up as someone called my name it was a nurse.

"Yes?" I asked I had to know anything and everything about Paisley's condition.

"We have some bad news," she said.

comment on what the bad news should be(Most intresting will be in the story) winner gets dedication

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