Headaches and Heartaches

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The Alpha King 20

Chapter 20-Headaches and Heartaches


I looked around seeing nothing. Where am I? The walls were white and there was nothing else in the room not even a window. I was chained to the wall by shackles that were cutting my wrists, it was almost like I was in a mental hospital.

My body was aching with pain and soreness. The last thing I remember was seeing Miles and a group of werewolves. That makes sense now if I'm sore then that means I must have put a fight to stay away from him. Obviously the fact that there was more of them then me that means that they won.

The door opened and I saw the person that made my blood boil, Miles. He had the smirk on his face that said he came prepared to do damage this time.

"I see that you are finally awake Paisley," he said walking closer to me.

"Miles what do you want I have nothing to give you," I said my voice crocking from the dryness of my throat.

"I have to have you, you are the only person that will make me more powerful," His voice said going off the walls of the room.

"What do you mean I can't make you powerful," I told him glaring at him.

"Your stupid," he said slapping me making my face go to the side. "I'm going to send your mate a letter and he is going to give me the title as the Alpha King since you guys never had the ceremony no one is the Alpha King," he said laughing like a maniac.

"That won't work first of all the Alpha King runs in the family it's going to be to much power for you to handle. Secondly to go against the Alpha King or anyone with the genes is impossible," I told him rolling my eyes at him.

"See the thing is if Blaine doesn't agree I'm going to kill you and that will make Blaine want to kill himself, so either way I get the title," he said.

"No. Look at yourself when your mate died you didn't commit suicide and what about Hunter he died and his wife didn't die she is still living," I told him proven him wrong all again.

Miles growled at me grabbing my neck "Look Paisley I don't need your useless comments," he said clenching his hand tighter making the air flow become scarce.

"Why now? Why have you been so determined to get me?" I asked him.

He let go and I fell to the floor "I searched for you and Mark for two months after that I gave up. After all you were only two people I had no use for you so I went back. I never searched for you afterwards but I guess you kept on moving away thinking I was looking for you. When I saw you at that banquet iknew you were important, only Alphas got invited and their mates and soon to be Alphas. I thought that you were a mate of an Alpha little did I know that it was the soon to be Alpha King. That made you only more valuable I had to get you and become the new King. And I will," he said looking at me in a horrific manner.

"Your an ass your only going to be a horrible Alpha King and everyone that knows you knows that you are the worst person in the world. Your evil," I snapped at him growling.

"You shouldn't have said that Paisley you made me mad and you don't want me to be mad," He said pulling out a knife.

He came up to me slashing it across my shoulder testing my top and making blood gush out of me I shuddered as I felt the sting of my open flesh.

Miles then left leaving me in the cold dark room, I would rather be alone than with Miles. There has to be a way out of here I mean I can't break out of these cuff but I have to tell someone.

Maybe dieing won't be so bad. I mean Mark is now happy with Elle, Shelby has Max, I'm sure Sara and Drak can work things out, Mrs. Rivers will probably feel slightly sad. Blaine, he probably wouldn't care after all he did tell me to get out after we had sex.

Sex. We mated. He told me not to get in his mind. Now that we're mated maybe he can save me if I talk to him. I know he told me not to, but would he save me even if he doesn't care?

I concentrated really hard on thinking and sending them to Blaine.

'Blaine' I thought


'Blaine' I thought once more


I started getting a headache like a migraine 'Blaine' I said.

'Paisley?" I smiled hearing his voice knowing that I might be okay.

'help' I told him 'I don't know where I am' I added.

'Im trying I really am' he thought towards me

'It's Miles he's the one that took me and he has more than one person' I said.

The door flew open and I saw Miles and someone else walk in 'I have to go' I told him even though I could hear him trying to tell me not to out a barrier up.


I went to Miles pack and well the beta was in charge it was horrible here. Many people has bruises and gashes across their bodies they were all pale and thing.

I'm happy that Paisley has been running away for as long as sue did I would rather have her run away then be in that condition. When I walked across people looked at me with fear and hopelessness.

"So do you know anything about Miles and where he would take my mate!" I growled chocking the beta by his neck.

His face was turning red "Something about an abandoned cabin in the woods," he said gasping.

I let him go making him fall to the ground "Where exactly is this place?" I asked him.

"It's a two days trip towards Nethersburg," he said.

"That's all I needed," I said.

I looked at him in the eyes I could feel my eyes turn colors going into Alpha King powers. "Kill yourself when your alone the next time," I said demanding.

He bowed his head and whimpered with the Alpha mode that I used on him. I closed the door and left controlling someone was a power that the Alpha King had. I hate it I don like to control people but I do if necessary. All Alphas have it it's just you have to follow an Alpha Kings demands because it's so powerful.

To not follow my demands you have to be really strong to do that I called Max and told him to come over to this pack and take cars of them until I settle things.

A two day trip is to long to something could happen to Paisley in that amount of time anything bad could happen. I started getting a head ache and Mark wasn't helping by turning the radio on.

'Blaine' that sounded just like Paisley.

'Paisley?' I asked

'Help' she said 'I don't know where I am' she said.

'I'm trying I really am' I told her trying to make her feel better when truth was she was in nothing but pain

'Miles he's the one that took me and he has more than one person' she said 'I have to go' she said.

'Paisley wait don't leave please just tpm to me it will make me calmer' I said.

But she left and there was no response right now all I can do is hope for the best of her in two days.

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