Prompt4: Problematic Villain

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"Hello," I answered hurriedly. I had just came home and was going to take a break before heading out again.

"Hey! Vanee," My best friend, Francie, answered. I knew it was her because only she would insist on calling me 'Vanee' when my real name was Vanessa. She always had a knack for weird things.

"I need your help with something, but I cant tell you over the phone. Think you could meet me under the bridge going 5th way in 15 minutes?" She anxiously requested. I looked at my watch, it was late but I could squeeze her in before my evening plans.

"Sure," I replied, shrugging on my coat from the hanger that I had just hung up.

"Great," She said and hastily ended the phone call. I shook my head. What was she up to this time? I got in my car and headed North towards my destination. Slipping on the news for some mindless distraction I became interested in the story I heard. The local villain, known as Phantasteric, was yet again the cause behind an attack on the City's central bank. Many suspect it was to fund the illegal escapades. The news went on to state that our well-known town hero, Rebstrain, was no where to be seen at the time of the crime.

Phantasteric was a super-villain who had the ability of ghosting as well as naturally producing plasma. She wore a purple and black body suit with a green glowing emblem on her forearm that resembled the symbol of lab equipment. Although she had powers she insisted on using her brain and creating instruments of evil. This is why the bank robbing was associated with her as she needed trade to get parts worldwide. It was going around of a conspiracy that said she was planning something detrimental for a few months now. Our Great Superhero, Rebstrain was also a supernatural being as she had the ability of strength and could control gravitational energy as well as Tensional forces. She wore a red wrap around suit that contained her rubber like whip that could be molded into almost anything. This has been an ongoing feud in the city for about 5 years and it hasn't gotten anywhere.

I pulled up to the bridge and turned off my car. I got out and began walking towards it. Pulling my jacket closer together I shivered. It was around winter time and the place tended to get very chilly. The place basked in quietness as only the crunch of the dried leaves under my boots were heard. I walked towards Francie as she too was covered in a coat, only the difference was that hers was red and mines was black.

"Hey," She whispered, breaking the silence. I nodded in acknowledgement.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, noting the anxious tapping of her shoes.

"You're my friend right?" She asked.

"Yes?" I replied suspiciously, "I hope you aren't planning to murder me or something." Watching around my surroundings I noted the lack of lights and witnesses.

"No," She laughed. I smiled. She pulled the beanie over her obsidian coloured hair.

"I have a secret to tell you but you can never tell anyone else," She stated.

"I won't" I assured her. She sighed heavily before making eye contact with me.

"I have an alter ego. I'm the city's superhero. I'm Rebstrain." She said. I watched her and the edges of my mouth twisted upwards into a smile. I chuckled.

"No, seriously," She said, watching me annoyed.

"Yea right, and I'm the Phantasteric," I told her, doing jazz hands. She glared at me. Suddenly she reached into her coat and pulled out a red, glowing, rubber whip. I gasped and stumbled backwards. Tripping over myself I landed on my butt. Francie quickly dropped the whip and came towards me.

"Vanee, are you okay?" She winced. I nodded. Standing up I dusted my behind and watched the whip that had fallen to the ground. That was it. The Rebstrain's whip. Francie was the Rebstrain. Eyes widening in realization I looked at her, back at the whip then at her again. She sighed and slowly backed away, retrieving her whip. Her eye's trained on me as if I would run away at any second.

"Y-you're really her," I stated. She nodded.

"I can explain. You are the only person in the world I trust with this information. I need your help. Ever since university you were always the best at academics and logic. even now you are amazing at what you do," She paused looking around, "I need you to help me defeat Phantasteric." My heart dropped in my rib cage and I blinked furiously.

"How am I supposed to do that?" I asked her. My voice breaking as I suddenly realized what was happening.

"I'm not sure. All I know is that she's planning something huge that could cause everyone to be in grave danger. I need you to be with me and help me so that we can stop her before someone gets hurt," Francie paced. I watched her movements. Minutes passed. Nodding, I took a step closer.

"Alright, I'll help you," I said with wavering confidence. Francie grinned and pulled me in her embrace. She squeezed me tightly and I did the same to her. Her whip poking into my arm. Reminding me of the truth. I broke the hug and stepped back. My breath becoming raspy, I nodded, more to myself then her.

"I am so happy that I can trust you with this. I felt so horrible for bailing on you all the time and hiding it from you all these years," She smiled. I chuckled, not amused.

"I could imagine," I replied abruptly. Too caught up in the moment she pulled me in for another quick hug and started walking away. She squealed to herself.

"I'm going to get started on what we can do. Thank you so much. Go home and rest please. Be safe!" She said, her voice escalating as she moved away from me. After I was sure that she wasn't anywhere near me I rolled my shoulders and sighed. How did I not see this? Was I so flawed that I didn't account for this? I slowly trailed to my car, wondering how I missed that my bestfriend was Rebstrain. Tears flowed from my eyes as I sat in the driver's seat. I opened the lid to the hand rest, pulling out the decoy top and taking out my suit. A heavy sob escaped me as I watched the vibrant glowing emblem, mocking me. My plan was going so well until this mishap happened. Why did it have to be her? Everything was already in place, the plan was already in motion. Too late for anyone to stop it now.

I was the Phantasteric. The greatest super-villain to have walked the earth and I, was going to have to kill my bestfriend.


Well, this is interesting. Tell me if you guys have any requests for me by messaging me directly or sending it on my email found in my profile. Spelling errors are in there somewhere. I haven't proofed this one.


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