Prompt1: The tenth time?

35 4 1

"Hey Janice," My co worker Amelia nudged me. I looked up at her from my work cubical, a blue florescent figure 4 hovering over her head only slightly. This is how it has always been since I was born. Over the years, after researching and consulting many spiritual people, I had realized that I was gifted with the ability to see how dangerous a person was due to the figure floating above them. The average person, according to my 'Janice Scale' was about a 3. Amelia was only slightly higher than that as she was a trained black belt in the art of self defense. I worked an office job to have at least some normalcy in my life. Apart from my dark green coloured eyes and blonde hair, I looked very mediocre.

"Yea?" I replied. She wiggled her eyebrows and glanced towards the closed elevator. I shrugged and gave her a confused look. She sighed.

"The new guy is coming in today," She reminded me. My mouth formed an 'O' shape. I didn't really care.

"Poor guy," I returned to my desktop. Amelia scoffed.

"I hope for your sake that he's hot. You look like you need a hook up," I rolled my eyes at her comment. Just like clockwork the elevator door opened and all the employees, a bundling crowd of numbers, stood to welcome the new worker. I stood from my chair in my heels, dusting off my skirt. When I finally looked at him, I outwardly gasped. The new guy stood there shaking everyone's hand and smiling timidly, nothing peculiar. Except the fact that a 10 was floating over his head. Chills ran down my spine and my body felt that there was nothing holding it up. My grip on the edge of my cubical tightened as I grit my teeth.

This had to be a mistake.
There was no way.
I have never seen a 10 in my entire life.
The closest I've ever seen was an 8.

I ducked down and paced my breathing. Amelia looked at me strangely but then walked off to greet the guy. My eyes closed on themselves, my heart beat became regular once more. I stood back up and went around my desk to meet him. Palms sweating and first impressions do not mix. Ever. I hesitantly walked up to the group around him. His gaze snapped to mines and all I could've seen was terror in his brown-hazel eyes. With a tight smile on my face I walked closer to him. He gave me a nod and a small smile. At this point in time all there was for me, to see, was the glowing number above him.

"Hello, I'm Brendon and I look forward to working with you," His deep-cold but refreshing voice spoke.

"I'm Janice, accountant and supervisor extraordinaire," I replied. He grinned and I saw his pupils dilate only slightly.

"Well Janice, it seems that we are going to be working a lot together, I'm your accountant partner and cubical-mate," Brendon said. Nodding, I excused myself and walked back towards my desk. My back turning towards the destruction that awaited behind me.

This man was a lethal and dangerous weapon, and he just so happened to be working right next to me.


Yea. That's the first one. How was it?
Spelling Erorrs will occur.
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