Prompt3: Mind Madness

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It was just any other Biology class. I was daydreaming and thinking about randomness while my teacher babbled on about important notes we should write down and pay attention to. I glanced to my left where two desks over sat my crush, Bryce Reno. I've had a crush on him for a few years now. He wasn't popular yet he wasn't unpopular. He was just average. In a good way

'Why doesn't he just notice me already?' I asked myself. I sighed watched everyone else in the room. What if there was a mind reader here? I glanced over everyone as I screamed loudly in my mind. Just then I noticed Bryce flinched. My eyes widened on their own. No way. Bryce composed himself and turned from my direction, fumbling for something in his bag. He was making it seem as if his bag touched his feet and he got frightened from it. He returned his attention to the front of the classroom.

'BRYCE!' I shouted in my head. He flinched again and quickly glanced at me before slouching in his seat. My cheeks warmed. Bryce, my crush, was a mind-reader. I watched down at my table. No way. I stared at my hands. I suddenly felt embarrassed and angry at myself.

'Every stupid thing I've ever said, he knew,' I thought. I buried my head in my hands, wallowing in my self-loathe.

'Gosh I'm so embarrassing, no wonder he hasn't talked to me. I should just drop out of school. What if he told others? Has everyone been looking at me weirdly? Do they know? I should quit while I'm ahead. Drop out of school, move a state over or by my uncle up north and legally change my name from Alicia to Mackenzie. Yea I should-'

"Miss Marshalls?" My teacher called on me, snapping me out from my overthinking. My head shot out from my arms and I saw the whole class watching me. What made it worse was that I was almost in a full blown mental breakdown. Tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Are you alright?" She asked. I shook my head indicating a 'no'. I quickly stood up, my chair screeching behind me.

"I-I think I'm not feeling well can I be excused?" I asked her, avoiding the heated gaze I felt on my side. I didn't bother turning to look at anyone.

"Sure, go to the nurses office," My teacher replied, concerned. I nodded and bolted out of the class and towards the students services room a few doors down. I closed in the door after making sure no one was here and laid on the plushy sofa. Tears spewed from my eyes in embarrassment. My overthinking had once again caused me to humiliate myself in front of people. In front of him. I sighed and took deep breaths. I stayed there even after the bell rang.

By then I had sat up and curiously wondered how Bryce was a mind reader. What did he do to get him those abilities? does anyone know? were there others like him? These were all questions that  crossed my mind. A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts once again. My puffy cheeks, red from the streams of silent tears were visible. I quickly made myself presentable before the door was pushed open. Hazel eyes met brown ones as I looked up at Bryce. He smiled sadly at me then closed the door behind him. The rate at which my heart increased did not seem healthy as he took small steps towards me and sat next to me. He placed something next to my leg and I flinched. When I looked down I saw my bag. Oh the irony. Bryce chuckled under his breath.

"Yea, pretty ironic," He replied, confirming my thoughts that he was indeed a mind reader. I didn't laugh but instead watched my hands in my lap. Bryce cleared his throat but I still didn't look up. He sighed.

"Yes it's true. I don't know how I got it, I was just born with it and it developed as I matured. I thought I was crazy at first, hearing everyone's thoughts but then I learnt that my great grandmother had the same abilities. My parents kept it a secret especially from the rest of my family. You were the only other person to find out besides Tony." Bryce explained, referring to his best friend, Tony Baglio. I sucked in a breath as he came closer towards me, leaning in.

"Say something," He said desperately. I looked up at him.

"What can I say that you don't already know," I retorted. Hurt flashed across his face but went when he sighed.

"There are some things I choose to hear. I've learnt how to block out everything unless I want to hear it. I have a little respect you know." Bryce watched me carefully. Maybe he doesn't know that I like him, even if he did put me through all this turmoil with myself. Bryce smiled.

'Crap he heard that.' My breathing got shaky. Bryce chuckled.

"I knew that long before today," He confirmed. I cursed under my breath. I hurried to pick up my bag and run out of the room until he clamped his hand on mines, preventing me from going anywhere.

"No, no, no. No running away again," He said as he pulled me to sit down. A huff escaped me as I landed on the sofa.

"I really like you as well," He spoke and my eyes widened.

'Nah. I have to be dreaming.' I reminded myself. Bryce's eyebrows raised up.

"I've liked you around the time you started liking me. I heard the things you were thinking," He paused and learned towards my ear.

"And I'd love to do some of those things as well," He whispered then leaned outward as my face flushed and a rosy colour stained my cheeks more, only this time it wasn't from crying.

"I used to wonder how a beautiful girl like you could like me when I was just average so I avoided you to see if it was just a momentary crush." He explained. I opened my mouth to say something but he quickly cut me off.

"That was before you knew I'm anything but average," He stated, talking about his abilities.

"The point is; I really like you and I want to know you better and eventually form a long lasting relationship with you but if I'm freaking you out and you don't want to be near me again just tell me now and I'll assure you that I wouldn't read your mind or interact with you ever again but promise me that you won't tell anyone about my abilities." Bryce ended off by letting go of my hand and moving a seat away from me. I thought about everything he said and pondered. The anxiety on his face showed immensely. I smiled at him. How often do you and your crush like each other? The answer is never. I nodded.

"I was a little freaked out but now I have no problem with it as I trust you. That is if you wont read my mind. I want to have some elements of surprise left. You can't know everything in the relationship." I replied sassily. Bryce's smile lit up the room as he stood up.

"Really?" He asked. I laughed and stood up.

"Yea, I'll give it a shot. Plus I think we're gonna have a great future together." I replied. If he was planning for long lasting relationship, so was I. He engulfed me in a warm hug and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Thank you so much." He said. I laughed.

"Don't thank me yet. You have no idea what it's gonna be like," I replied.

"I'm willing to take that risk." He said breaking the hug and pulling my bag on his shoulder along with his. I opened the door for him and he walked out. By then the bell had rung and students were now filing out from their classrooms. Unaware that I had just started dating a mind reader.


Fun Fun. This is my favorite one so far.
Spelling errors are in there somewhere. I haven't proofed any of these.


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