Prompt2: Drawing Love

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       I rolled up my sleeves and looked at the writing on my hand for about the tenth time today. Smiling at the inked heart and poetry lines that magically appeared. Ever since I hit eighteen, a few months ago, drawings and writings have been appearing on my hand like magic and disappearing. After writing on my hand a couple times I've come to realized that it was a person who had been doing this. He was shocked as well when writing mysteriously appeared on his hand. We soon found out that whatever we wrote on our arms appeared on the other persons arms as well. That's when the fun started. We played questions to know more about each other, tic tac toe and he has been drawing me images and memes whenever he gets bored. Occasionally I'd find a 'To-Do' list on his palm. I also found out that he lived in the state next to me. We've been planning to meet up but since we were both so busy with studies and work that it never happened.

His name was Mathew but I call him 'Mattie' just because it irks him. He's two years older than me and has the most amazing personality ever. He was blonde, around 5'9 and loves his coffee hot. Quite the contrast to me as I was a subtle red head who stood at 5'5 and loves my coffee cold, whenever I do decide to have coffee. Only about a month ago I realized that I had fallen head over heels for this guy and couldn't imagine myself without him.

Where are you again?

I smiled goofily and wrote an answer on my forearm,

At the library, studying.

I told him this already. I closed my books and took out my phone, sighing. I had his number but it was much easier to get him on his, well his hand. It was just more handy. I laughed at my own joke. I was at the library in a corner table so that no one could've seen me when I decided to pull my sleeves up and scribble away on them like a love-struck fool.

I love your laugh, its even better in person.

As I read his cursive writing my head shot up frantically, looking all directions. No blondes in site. I squinted my eyes. Was he here?

Why don't you go to your favorite book section?

My chair screeched under me making heads turn as I hurried myself to the romance shelves. Doubting that this was actually true. This had to be another prank. No way. I rounded the corner and my feet stopped in their tracks. There he stood, the man that made my heart flutter. He looked so much taller in real life. His dull blue eyes piercing through me. My spine shivered involuntary as his eyes scanned me, as my eyes scanned him. When our eyes met I felt mines water. He was holding a tulip in his hand and a pen. I cautiously walked towards to him. He uncapped the pen,

"Hey," He greeted me. His voice sounding gruff and nervous. I smiled lightly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. He held up a finger signaling me to wait. He took the pen and wrote something quickly on his arm. I slowly raised my sleeve on the corresponding arm. There on the inside of it was a heart that had a tulip next to it.

"I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve here," He cleared his throat making me look up at him.

"I have fallen for you, and I can't help myself because you're the most perfect human being I have ever met, even with all your imperfections. You light up my life and my day when I think of you. When we talk I get this indescribable feeling that makes me feel like I have indigestion that's on drugs. You are amazing and I'd love to be able to hold you and have you for forever and tell you how much I adore and love you but for now I have to ask, Will you be my girlfriend?" He finished. I was in tears when he walked to me and handed my the tulip.

"I know you hated how cliché roses were-" He rambled until I cut him off by hugging him tightly as if my life depended on it.

"Yes," I breathed out in relief.

"I love you," I said as his arms wrapped tightly around my embrace.

"I love you too."


Aw so sweet *sheds tear*
Thanks for reading.


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