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Graduation, the event that will mark the ending of your high school life and everything happened during this phase will all turn as a memory that you could forget or cherish as you move on to the next chapter of your life.

There may be regrets, sorrows, happiness and different feelings and emotions felt during the years but it will not only serve as a memory but something that we could hold on and remind us that we were once naïve, an individual who makes mistakes, someone who weren't as mature or even willing to act like one.

I don't know what is going to happen when we stepped on college, but I know for sure that even we drift and part ways in the different paths that we go through. We will always remain friends and the memories that we shared will always be cherished and remembered.

"—congratulations again to the graduates! Please give yourselves a round of applause." The principal said as he has just finished delivering his long ending speech.

I never realized that this is the end of high school and little did I realize that tomorrow will never be the same again.

I and my friends will part ways as they are going to the school that they are supposed to go on and some may change, some will not but either way, I can conclude that it will never be the same again.

All of the students started shouting and whooing as soon as they heard the principal finished his speech. The moment that he steps down on stage, everyone started throwing their graduation caps in the air with the audiences clapping their hands as they witness the finishing touch of the graduation.

It didn't took long until I reunited with my friends to take an awesome picture.

"C'mon, everyone!" Chase decided to take the picture.

Everyone started posing silly faces especially my guy friends who does not seem to be affected by the fact that we're definitely parting ways.

I don't know why I'm getting emotional when I'm not the type to be one.

"Why do I feel like Ellie is going to cry?" Chase questions as soon as he drops the camera from his face and looks at me with a worried look.

My friends started to look at me with Austin's hand holding me tightly, "I do not!" I said in a firm tone.

"I know," Elliot laughs, "It must be because she does not want us to part ways like this." He laughs, making me irritated because he knew me so well, "She done that before, during the elementary graduation, it was just hilarious."

"Aww," Ivan cooed, "I didn't know you're such a softie." He replies in a joking manner and Ace started talk but he was definitely in a serious mood, "Don't be such a dork, I will miss this shit too and I don't want to leave."

"Then don't, work here, be a janitor." Carl suggested, earning a laugh from Alex and Austin.

"We will still have our yearly hangouts or reunion at the beach!" Lila argued, "So, it's not the end."

"It's not the end," Casey comforts, "It's definitely the start of new beginnings and changes." She smiles softly, earning a smile from me.

"—to new beginnings!" Alex shouted, we followed what he said but it didn't stop me from shedding a tear. "TO NEW BEGINNINGS!"


My eyes are staring at my bedroom ceiling as I try to recall all the things that happened in my high school life. It was a lot of fun, full of dramas and in the same time, there are loads of things that happened that I didn't expect.

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