Chapter 31 - I'm Yours

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It was a relaxing and memorable evening as I was spending my time with Austin and forgetting about my worries even just for this night. Unfortunately, everything is just blown out within an instant the moment I saw Elliot and my friends standing in our table.

Austin looked pale and I was starting to feel less hungry that I can't take on devouring the food in front of me even if I really want and miss this.

"So—care to elaborate as to why you two are here, going solo?" Casey asks with her eyes glued at me.

"Don't tell me you're on a date and that your hate towards one another quickly vanished because if that's the reason then I might just faint." Carl raises an eyebrow with his eyes exchange glances with me and Austin.

"No!" I and Austin immediately said in unison and all of them were surprised with our suspicious outburst.

"Something is definitely wrong here." Ivan reckon, "I'm sensing that they're hiding something."

Ace starts to shove me to the corner seat as he sat down beside me, "Tell me, are you and Austin a thing? You two, are acting strange." He whispers in my ear that it made me feel goose bumps.

Ivan and Elliot carry the other table near us and connected it to the table we're seating just to make more room for the gang. Everyone kept their attention to us and all I can do was kept my mouth shut before I can tell them what's going on. I saw Austin look at me and gave me a reassuring smile before he finally speaks, "Okay-okay," He groans, "This may sound silly."

"Please tell me that you're not seriously dating each other because as far as I know, you're like cats and dogs who never get along." Alex seems stress and I wasn't sure whether it was because of us or he's just trying to get along with the reaction of our other friends.

"No—" Austin didn't fail to make eye-contact to each one of them, "We're not dating because as far as I am concerned, she doesn't like me one bit even if I'm the last person here on earth," He said. It was obviously a lie because even if there's a lot of guys in the world and there are other guys more hotter than him, I'll still chose him.

"Then what the fuck are you two doing here?" Casey asks bitterly. It looks to me that she'll never approve of me dating Austin out of all the horrible things that he has done to me. But even so, sooner or later, I should really tell her.

"It was a bet, she lost and I kind of drag her with me because I've been craving of the burger in this diner because it was freshmen since we last ate here." He said as an excuse and Elliot laugh, "And you didn't even bother asking me than having a lame bet with Ellie where in I bet you argued a lot of times before you finally drag her in here?" Elliot asks and Austin laugh, "It was hard—she doesn't seem to like the idea especially when it's just the two of us." Austin lied again. It wasn't hard, It was easy for a matter a fact. I can't seem to feel happy about the lying especially when Austin has to lie just because I want it to keep hidden. I know he wants us to take it slowly and keep it hidden but I'm the first person who proposed this idea and I can't believe I'm making him go through this.

"I thought you were at the beach, what are you guys doing here?" I ask, changing the topic before I break down and decided to be honest.

"Well," Ivan gloat, "They don't want to drink til' there heart's content because it's school night and Elliot proposed of eating at this diner because we haven't been here and he told us that the food here is delicious so we went even though I honestly want to get wasted."

"It was your idea to get drunk when all we want was to hang out." Alex hiss and Carl groan, "It was actually fun if we did get drunk and skip class tomorrow, I don't want to go to school especially when I have Math tomorrow."

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