Chapter 33 - He's My Everything

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I don't think we could hide this relationship that I and Austin share. I don't know why I even bother asked Austin of having to hide it when clearly, a lot of people will know about it in the future.

Yesterday, Ace caught me and Austin holding each other in Austin's house and we didn't bother explaining ourselves and decided to keep our mouth zip and wait for what is going to happen next. I didn't want to talk about what happened yesterday with Austin because even if we want to hide it, it's not like we're going to hide it forever and no one will even find out about it when we already decided to let my brother and my girl friends know.

"So, have you guys decided on still hiding it on your own or decided to let everything fall on its own?" Elliot decided to open the topic.

We are on our way to school and neither of us is spoke a single word, to be particular, I and Austin did not speak a single word.

"Are you guys going to pretend I don't exist?" Elliot speaks again and I can't come up with anything to say.

"Let's just," Austin starts, "I don't know, just do what we normally do." He added .

The moment we arrive at the school and walk our way through the hallway, everyone kept their eyes glued on us. I don't know if Ace decided to share what he knows throughout the campus but I know that he's not the type of guy to talk, so whoever is responsible for it sure does know how to spread it easily.

There's a lot of eyes looking at us and in a whole lot of different way. It's either a look of jealousy, anger, judging or just plainly looking. And it's all because they know that we're dating.

"Well, well, well," Alexandra starts to talk as soon as she saw me passing by the hallway, "I didn't know you had it in you to lure someone as attractive as Austin."

I try not to be annoyed with what she said and decided to head and get my books from the locker but she decided to annoy me by going where I was, "How did you do it, you know," She laughs, "Did you offer your virginity just so he could be with you." She leans on the locker and her bestfriend starts laughing beside her.

All I can think right now is knock some sense on her or just to rip her mouth from her face.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" I heard Casey's voice behind me and I'm a little bit relieved that someone has decided to join in the conversation or else I'll have to let my fist do the talking.

"No," Alexandra says confidently, "And I'm honestly enjoying annoying the hell out of her." She takes a hold of my hair, fondling it like her own and it's seriously making me annoyed.

I'm trying to calm myself down and if she did not stop, I might just snap.

"Are you seriously trying to annoy my girl right now?" I was instantly taken a back when I finally heard Austin speak.

"Your girl?" Alexandra started to laugh non-stop and I can't really help but to just snap at her. I was about to face her and talk to her right in front of her face but I was immediately startled when I felt a hand grabbing me by the shoulder and pulling me right beside him.

"Austin—" I said the moment I saw him standing right beside me.

"Yes, my girl," Austin said coolly, "Do you have a problem with that? Did you decided on making her feel annoyed because I can't go out on a date with you or even sleep in the bed with you?"

"What the fuck," Alexandra said in an annoyed tone, "I don't even care, you're just too blind to even see it that I'm more perfect than she will ever be and maybe, you're just going out with her because you had taken her virginity or you pity her because she's your bestfriend's sister." She rolls eyes in irritation and I can't help but to feel anger rushing on my veins.

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