Chapter 23 - The Sly Little Fox

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I am officially insane.

Ellie Reed is currently insane.

The moment Austin just told me he likes me, let alone the fact that he has fallen in love with me, made my heart sank and jaw drop in the same time. I can't believe that the girl we're always talking about, the girl that he likes was me. I'm a clueless girl who does not even recognize his feelings until he finally says it himself.

I was just literally frozen the moment he told that to me and he couldn't even say anything because I was just silent and there are moments when I smile and try to hide it whenever I saw him looking at me.

The moment his phone rang because his mother was looking for him, he left in such a hurry and I was left in the chair recalling his confession.

I started jumping on my bed and literally shouting like a mad woman. I don't know, but I'm really happy. For once in my whole existence, I feel so happy and so alive in the same time. I have the feeling of wanting to thank every people around me for no reason.

I immediately took my pillow from my bed and started shouting with the pillow covering my face. I can't let Elliot hear me, or even Austin. He would know that I was so hyped because of his confession.

I wanted to tell him that I feel the same way but I can't right now because I still have a Matt problem and I can't just tell him I like him instantly without thinking of the best words to say.

I mean, he confessed his whole heart to me and even his past.

He told me the reasons why he was attracted to me and how he manages to like me despite of my tomboyish looks and the way I behave. He had already laid his eyes on me the moment he saw me and it somehow made me feel perfect.

It made me regret of having this change upon me when someone already likes me the way I am.

Matt's reason of liking me was a whole lot of different compared to Austin's confessions. Matt made his confession more like he likes a friend than a girl that is special to him and it's only fair to acknowledge the fact that he notices me when I was the brand new Ellie with the make-up and the girly clothing.

The moment I throw my pillow on the floor, Elliot burst out from my bed room door with an annoyed look, "What are you yapping about?!"

I quickly stand frozen with a serious expression covering my face, "Nothing, no one, I mean, I'm just plainly standing in this bed with no particular reason, that's all." Am I being too obvious?

He leans his back on my door frame and stare at me anxiously, "There's something fishy."

"No—" I shake my head as I wave my hand, dismissing the topic, "I mean what are you talking about?"

"Did Matt ask you to be his girlfriend?" He bluntly said.

I manage to laugh so hard that I started to produce tears from my eyes, "Are you serious?"

"What else could be the reason you're jumping and throwing pillows on the floor? I mean you're my sister and I know you, whenever you have chocolates from mom which made you totally happy, you're going to jump on the bed and throw pillows at the floor or sometimes aim it at me when I'm on the floor." He recalls.

I quickly sit down on my bed and displayed a serious look on my face, "I—erm," I start to cough, "I'm not happy, Matt didn't asked me to be his girlfriend," I stare at his eyes just to prove him he's wrong and I'm telling the truth, "I'm just plainly bored."

"Whatever, I'll know it eventually." He went out of my room and closes the door with a loud bang.

Eventually he'll know, he's Austin's best friend but will Austin make it public tomorrow? I mean, will he tell everyone in our school that he likes me? Will he show his feelings to me in public? Or will he act the same way as before?

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