Chapter Twenty Eight: A date?

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There is jealousy that Allah loves and jealousy that He hates. There is pride that Allah loves and pride that He hates. The jealousy that Allah loves is jealousy regarding a matter of suspicion. The jealousy that He hates is jealousy regarding something that is not doubtful. The pride that Allah loves is a man's pride when fighting and when giving in charity. The pride that Allah hates is that shown in oppression and boasting.” [Ahmad and others, Al-Albaani - Saheeh]

Chapter  Twenty Eight:

A date?

"A day wasted!" Murad grunted as he walked into the house. We were married for a week now and he hadn't reported to work from the past two weeks. We were planning to shift to a small apartment his mom bought us as a wedding gift. She was a sweet lady.

Since I trusted Murad's choice for furniture, he went for shopping just to show me how good he was! It was a tough task to let him go alone but I gave up since he was very stubborn.

"Why? You promised Jannat that you'd do it by yourself right?" His mom chuckled as she chopped the vegetables watching her son come in.

"Ammi, some things aren't made for men you know? Like these chores, shopping and one important thing, cooking. I can't bear this," he replied throwing himself lazily on the sofa.

"I thought Murad was different. But, my mistake. No more assumptions ammi," I mumbled as I stirred the contents of my cooking pot.

"You are right, these men are just the laziest creatures, this reminds me of his dad. You know what Jannat, his dad was always this way. He'd shun away from shopping especially when I needed grocery for my kitchen," She spoke as her eyes sparkled. She still had a home for him in her heart. She talked of him as if he was listening to her.

In the pretext of cutting the onions, she let the tears fall slowly on her apron as she talked of her late husband. Leila phoupee was an independent lady. She used to work to provide for her children and her courage had smitten me.

On the other hand, she never let her kids miss their long gone dad. She'd do her best to see them smiling and having fun. I was also surprised since she wanted us to shift to another place. She wasn't the typical desi mother in law who'd tether her son around her.

"Ammi, I am going to dine out with Jannat tonight, do you need anything?"Murad asked trying to divert her attention.

"Yes, you can buy me raspberry sugar free jam. I need that for my breakfast, old age has its boons and banes, once you hit fifty you'll realise that." She said smiling exposing her deep dimples.

"Oh my God, I am so tired. My back hurts," A weary Souha walked in loosening her hijab.

"This girl is always tired. When I was of your age, I used to do so many tasks and never complain. Children nowadays!" Her mom remarked dramatically palming her face.

"Desi moms,ugh" Souha groaned dragging her feet as she walked towards her room.

Leaving them didn't seem right but then we had to shift but we promised to visit them every weekend so that we'd spend quality time with the family.

"Cmon wear you abaya we got a lot to do, I just passed by to pick you up," Murad announced sipping cold water I had served him.

I grabbed my abaya quickly wrapping  a scarf on my head I accompanied him outside.

He took my hand in his as we walked down the stairs. He intertwined his fingers with mine giving me a secure feeling. I felt safe around him.


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