Chapter Twenty Six : A new page

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Glory to Allah, Who created in pairs all things that the earth produces, as well as their own (human) kind and (other) things of which they have no knowledge. (36:36)

Chapter Twenty Six :

A new page

Relatives from every corner of the world flocked our house. It was noisy but you'd enjoy the rants and pranks of each member of my extended family. I couldn't believe that the day I dreamt of had finally arrived. I stared at the henna on my hands feeling its color deepen. I never imagined I'd get married to Murad.

We were different stories  and never fitted to be on the same page. I was always short tempered and jumped to conclusions whereas he was he cool and very gentle. I never believed that opposites attract but with his arrival I even learnt that love ain't so hurting.

Ten hours were left and I couldn't help with my nervousness. Staring at the horizon one more time I whispered to myself, "May Allah bless us and shower us with his mercy."

It was really early, but for someone like me who hadn't tasted sleep for the past three days, that was not news. I sat on my bed, read a few pages from the Quran and rested for quite sometime before fajr prayers were called.

It was a beautiful feeling. I closed my eyes trying to feel the freedom that I'd enjoy for the last hours of my spinsterhood, who thought that one day this little girl would grow up and leave her family. The thought brought tears to my eyes and I started sobbing silently.

I looked at my diary, I'd rather call it my life's journey. I had come from a long way. All the way from the sleepless nights, teary days and over thinking, depressions and then this! It was a journey of intense growth.

I ran my hand through the dried ink feeling each word I had scribbled tingling my heart. I reread some pages, I reminded of myself of the pain that pierced my heart. I reread the pages where I poured my happiness. Some pages were stained with tears and I could see the bumps as marks.

What is life without tribulations? This question keeps on spinning around my head time and time again. I have had so many lows and so many break downs. It takes a lot of patience to hold on to the positive side of life.

You'll be faced by so many storms, so many troubles but what remains at the end of the storm is you. The lonely you, the abandoned you, the tired you. You must learn how to give yourself space, time and moreover patience to grow. The hardships will carve you to someone you'll never imagine to be. It will give rise to a stronger you.

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