Chapter Fourteen : Nursing the pieces of my heart

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If Allah helps you, none can overcome you: If He forsakes you, who is there, after that, that can help you? in Allah, then, Let believers put their trust. (Surah Al-Imran, 160 )

Chapter Fourteen :

Nursing the pieces of my heart

"It's been a week,woman. You haven't answered my calls and my texts. This is not acceptable woman!" Naseem huffed at me. A week had passed,for me it was more than just a week. I wasn't answering anyone's messages since I broke my phone. My friends felt as if I was ignoring them but in real sense I needed time to pull myself out of the mess I had drowned in. Meera, Naseem and Iram had come home that evening. I wasn't intending to meet anyone of them but it happened that I had no alternative now. I didnt want to look victimised. I never cried in front of anyone since that would reveal my weaknesses amongst my allies.

"I think you are stronger than whatever happened. It's not that we mean to reprimand you for not receiving our calls and messages, see,its simple. That was written and destined to happen. There was no way to avert it but believe me, you might be thinking that you are all alone in this world and none is able to understand your grief. I believe that we aren't friends for nothing lady, you can count on us. We are sisters. So smile and get rid of that cloud that seems to block your happiness." Iram professed.

"Whatever misses you wasn't destined for you. Sometimes in life we give temporary people permanent places in our hearts thinking that they'll stay forever but that doesn't help them pull back. They'll go but they'll leave a bunch of memories with you. It's painful. It is so hurting to see them drift away from you but how will you learn if no temporary people come into your life?  The same memories will help you grow and maybe one day they won't sting you as much as they used to. Time heals all wounds," Meera added with a smile on her lips.

My crazy gang had turned to a bunch of philosophical mates. "When did you grow so much wisdom?"I chuckled loudly.

"Time and tide waits for no man! You never know girl, I have lots of versions in me nowadays. " Naseem bragged smirking.

I never knew that my friends would comfort me up to this level. Meera had brought me a chocolate cake. She never did this but maybe it was her way of comforting me. "Always listen to the churns of your tummy Jannat," she advised feeding me a piece of the cake.

"I must say this is so delicious. Your confectionery shop should start now,and you never know this baker friend of ours will meet her Prince there and then," Iram sighed dreamily.

We all rolled our eyes at her and the next thing that happened to her was a big pillow smack on her face. This girl! When will this girl grow up!


So many days passed and I felt that I was missing a big part of life just by mourning over someone who wasn't even thinking about me. It was high time I met the world. In the last two weeks I never walked even a single step outside our home. I must admit my family was too supportive and they all showered me with love and care. Sarah babhi took care of all my dishes and mom, she was my advisor. Dad was mostly busy but whenever he got time he'd sit beside me and comfort me thoroughly. Kamaal and Asif weren't less either, every time we met the PlayStation would complain a lot.

I realised that when strangers leave you that's when you appreciate the perks of having a family. Being broken and craving love! That was how much hurt I was but I was living for the sake of those faces that lit whenever I smiled or did anything good. 

That day I was going for grocery shopping with Sarah. We had our abayas on and our purple hijabs ready to clear the grocery store. "See those tiny tomatoes. They look like Kamaal when he is furious." Sarah laughed pointing at the tomatoes.

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