Chapter Six : He tugged my heartstrings

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Shaddad ibn Aws narrates that he heard the prophet peace be upon him say :
"Whoever performed salah to show off, committed shirk; and whoever fasted to show off, committed shirk; and whoever gave in charity to show off, committed shirk.”[Ahmad, as cited by Mishkat]

Chapter six:

He tugged my heartstrings

"How many spoons of sugar should I put in your tea?" Tamanna asked while preparing morning tea for everybody. Murad and his family had to join ours since Leila phoupee and my dad were siblings,besides dad never wanted her to stay at the hotel.

We all sat together ready for breakfast. "He doesn't take tea. He takes sweetened coffee." I spoke aloud answering Tamanna's question. Leila phoupee was amazed by my memory since I remembered what everyone would have.

I felt a little bit embrassed by my answer and my cheeks flushed red. Ya Allah. I just hoped that this attitude of Murad remained tamed as long as we were amongst the family members.

He smiled and uttered,"people change,just like the way weather does. I no longer take sweetened coffee." However I sensed something else in his words. Why was he so much bitter? I soliloquized.

My mom poured some fresh lemon juice for him which he drank willingly. " sour things for bitter guy,"I mumbled and grinned at my own comment.

I spotted Zara who was coming slowly to the table. She had a vibrant smile plastered on her face and I could feel that she was extremely happy. "Where were you yesterday? Do you know how much I waited for you?"I started my interrogation there and then.

"Cool it. I had received a call from the NGO that I work for. Those kids needed some help and it was some emergency case. So I had to. Am sorry if I disappointed you." She replied.

"But..." I couldn't continue since I was too disappointed but I managed to control my emotions and showed her the ring. We hugged and she congratulated me. I never imagined that I would carry on with the engagement without her.


Let's go for some shopping. I need to do some shopping for my bakery :) - Meera

That sounds like a plan. However we'll go after my mom's back from her Qur'an classes :p - Nasim.

Who else is coming? - Meera.

Count me in but it shouldn't be like last time. You forgot about me and left without a notice :'( - Iram.

You were busy daydreaming of some fictitious character in those novels you read online. Not my fault XD -Nasim.

Girls I will join you too. Actually I also needed some grocery for the week. - Jannat.

Mrs. To be intends to do some cooking classes? ;) - Iram.

The last message had a great impact on me. I don't know why but a smile plastered on my cheeks exposing my deep dimples. It kindled a different kind of feeling in my heart. Maybe because my life was taking a new course and everything was happening in the best way.  I thought of I how I reacted before knowing that it was Yahya who had come for my hand in marriage. I smiled again and sighed dreamily.

It was a magical feeling. Life was bringing in more people and the happiness was actually visible on most people except two. Murad,who I had no idea why he was fretting about every little thing that happened and the second one was Zara who was always lost in a world that I knew nothing about. However I never stressed about the latter since she'd sometimes remember her massacred parents in Syria. She had a small photo of her family with her.

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