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The last chapter broke my heart thoroughly to be serious. I had to spend days and nights of grieving for beloved Amir. Still grieving for him though.

48. Amazing

Zai's POV

I was trying to understand. I was trying so hard to understand why. Why they were taken away from me. Was it an expiation of my sins? Was it a hardship where I have to bear patience with for me to receive an award without reckoning? Is it because I didn't deserve their love? Is it because I didn't deserve to be happy in this life?

What have I done wrong ya Rabb? What?

As the Imam preached in the funeral, I hear nothing. Nothing at all but the crashing and shattering of the pieces of my heart. It prickles and prickles, again and again like I was made to hurt until I die.

Will I die after this ya Allah? Will it be later? Or tomorrow? Will I depart this world too? Is it part of your plan ya Allah? For I cannot see tomorrow anymore. I cannot feel alive anymore. No, never again will I ever be the same. Never again will I be whole. Never again will I smile. Never again shall I hope that this life is worth something.

As everybody took their part to leave. I stand in front of the burried ground. Cherry touched my shoulder and I could not even have the energy to nod. She simply uttered something and left. Inah was holding my hand in silence. I looked at her and she hugged me. Tears slowly fall and my eyes are blurry again. Why did it have to be this way ya Allah? Why?


Aaron's POV

It was never a discussion. It was never an idea. It was non – existent, both in my mind and especially in my heart until my wife brought it up. I wish she would stop bringing it all up.

"I'm visiting Zai later at her home. Would you want to come?" Nursheen asked.

I just looked at her and wished she would just believe me that no, I do not want to make Zai my second wife.

"Light, sweetheart, please," I started pleading her again.

She shook her head.

"Nope, end of discussion. You already agreed last night," she explained.

I sighed. I simply said yes to her last night because she won't let me kiss her. And I was so seduced by her. It's not fair.

She smiled so widely, grabbed her purse.

"Bye, I'm going," she said after kissing my cheek.

I stood up and grab my coat.

"Yahya is having a game later. Drive him and watch his game," Nursheen said bossily.

I sighed again.

Yes, my wife runs the house and rules me basically. She's my all. I sat back and watched her left the kitchen. I sip my coffee and seriously gave a thought of my wife's proposal. Never in my entire lifetime have I ever thought of having a second. Last night's discussion came back to my memory.


"Come on, she cannot be left on her own. She needs a man. We all know the decree of Islam," Nursheen argued as she combed her hair.

Does she seriously hear herself?

I gazed at her beauty and then wished she would let it go.

"My light, many women do not want a second wife. Why are you...."

"Because she's a great woman who will never fall for anyone else again. Because she will be good to you, to me. She needs you darling. You and only you can open her heart again," she explained pleadingly.

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