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Dedicated for the first one to vote on this story, mairaqaisar. You made my night! Thanks Sis! ^___^

2. Strange Encounter

As I hailed a taxi, my mind is still bothered by Amir. Making a du'a for him on my asr prayer sort of removed my doubt of meeting him tomorrow. I will meet him after we close the shop. So maybe after maghrib prayer. In shaa Allah. My problem was ... how to tell my big brother or what to tell my big brother that I need him to accompany me to meet a strange man who message me on my facebook. A yellow cab stopped in front of our gate distracting me from my thoughts. I went inside and told the driver to head over Tommy Street. My phone suddenly vibrated and it was Cherry.

"Assalamu alaykum," Cherry's cheerful voice said.

"Wa alaykumusalam warahmatullah. I'm on a taxi now, on my way and I will see you in fifteen minutes, in shaa Allah."

"Good, your brother Ridzmar is here with his wife and kids. He told me to call you up and say that if you want to be rich good a boss, you have got to learn to be punctual," Cherry said, teasing me.

I could not help but smile. Alhamdulillah, this might be the perfect time to tell him how I would need a mahram to accompany me in a totally weird meeting tomorrow with a complete stranger.

"Tell him... he's never getting a free card from our shop," I said.

I heard Cherry's voice speaking and some voices on the background. It made me feel excited to arrive at the shop. The support of my family and friends has been so huge that I almost cannot believe that we have finally done it.

When I arrive, indeed the Prints Perfectly is pack with more than 15 people as Cherry's parents and friends were there too. Mom and Dad were by the windows and Mom was telling him about choosing the orange curtain more than the apple green ones.

"Assalamu alaykum lovely couple," I greeted them.

"Wa alaykumusalam," they both answered.

"We're very excited for you deary," Dad said.

"Ohh, thanks Dad! Wouldn't have done it without your financial help."

"I'm your father. It's my duty to provide for you."

"Still, thank you Daddy-oh!"

"Zainab my dear, why didn't you pick that floral orange curtain I gave you?" Mom asked.

"Ah..uhm..." I began, searching for a gentle way on how to tell her that her kind of orange is irritating to the eyes.

Dad looked at me and I looked at him, silently asking for help. He understood and wrapped his arm around Mom's shoulder.

"Never mind the curtain, let's just take a look at the price tags over there," Dad said, winking at me.

I felt relieved.

"Aunty, aunty how come there are no cards for babies here? I want to give one to Yana," a little voice spoke behind.

I turned around and saw my nephew, little 7 - year old Adzar. How adorable this kid is to love his new sibling, the beautiful Arayana.

"But there is one, come," I told him.

I grabbed his hand and we walked towards the children's section.

Looking at the entire space, I silently thank Allah for making us find this rental building. It was the perfect place for us.

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