Chapter 14 - Shady Feelings

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The first ever SHE’S IN LOVE WITH A GEEK book trailer! Yahoo!

Thanks to the creator of this lovely work. Thank you very much!

BTW: Do I have a male reader in the house? Make your presence known! Comment here or tweet me with your name and country. =)) @notarandomgirl (twitter)


Chapter 14 – Shady Feelings


True to what Troy had just said, the party was really getting into gear. They were wasted than ever and behaving like a total fool. People making out here and there, talking loudly and dancing like a complete idiot.

A picture of people who’re having a really goofy time.

As for me, I was literally dying here out of sheer boredom. I tried my very best to smile and do the usual casual talking, but no matter how much I make an effort into it, I just simply couldn’t let out at least a small chuckle voluntarily.

Thoughts running through my mind, and I was thinking, what exactly am I doing here? I was here to have fun, that’s for sure, but then why was it that not a single glee was felt running through my bloodstream.

It was one hell of a boring Friday night for me!

I dreaded for the time the clock tick down to ten. That would be my perfect excuse to get out of this tedious hellhole!

Big damn to you, Chad Treyson!

Your cold demeanor kept on bugging me since you stormed off. And your words, you’re the only person whose opinion mattered so much to me.

“Go back to that party, Collins. Where you really belong.”

So, I was a party animal to your estimation, huh, Treyson.

You always claim that… somehow… you knew me. That you could see right through me, but then, why didn’t you realize or see that I wasn’t enjoying that party, you didn’t even take a few second to look at me, to know what was really running inside my head?

So disappointing to think that you’re being true to your words, so hell bent it ignoring me. Now I regretted the fact that I didn’t show up at that stupid backyard. Will things be different if I met you there?

I let out a long sigh.

I was feeling gloomy and glum, only the image of Chad brightens up my mood. His voice, his face, there’s something about him that I don’t understand. That every time he was near me, something inside me lightens up.

Oh dear heavens, this wasn’t just a simple infatuation! This was getting freakin’ scary!

But no matter how much I tried to rationalize with myself that this couldn’t go on, that I shouldn’t be feeling this way towards him, I just simply couldn’t detached myself away from that geek.

Like now, I badly wanted to see him. God knows how much I wanted to have an alone conversation with him than the society I was in.

I scanned the area and searched for the person whom I know will be helpful in a situation like this. And gotcha, there she is, standing and flirting with Ted Froilan.

“Excuse me, can I steal my friend for just a sec?” I interrupted them when they’re about to make-out.

Terry eyed me disbelievingly and I just replied with a cold glare. As if she doesn’t have a choice; she rolled her eyes and submitted herself in defeat. I dragged her away from the womanizing jerk.

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