Chapter 21 - Attention

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Chapter 21 — Attention

** Courtney's POV ** 

Talk about instant popularity? Well, that's Chad Treyson.

He fixed his hair, wore slightly tight fitting shirt, and lose his goofy glasses then bam! He's suddenly a pretty boy.

It kind of annoys me that Chad was having this kind of attention. I mean, the whole female population was making a big deal about him. He was the topic in every conversation.

Suddenly, he was everyone's eye candy.

I was having a hard time concentrating on my classes because of the girls giggling and gossiping about him. Some wanted to approach him and be friends with him. Some put their numbers in his locker. And some were desperate enough to join the drama club just to be close to him.

That's freakin' insane and annoying!

I mean, where were you when he is mister goofy glasses? Where were you when he needs members in his club? Where were you when...

And that ladies and gentlemen, the jealous side of Courtney Collins.

Can you not? I don't have time for you today, okay? I rolled my eyes internally to my subconscious.

"You know, I kind of have a little crush on Chad since I saw him during our freshmen year. He's so cute back then. And now he's so dreamy." The girl at my side whispered to her friend.

Liar. He's a transferee and didn't attend this school during 9th grade. Get your fact straight, bitch.

"Chad is a part time model. He's just too modest to let the school know." A girl from my back gossiped.

Wrong. His part time job is being a student assistant here, in this school. The same school ground you're walking, cow.

Seriously? Why do these idiots have to make up stories about him! You all don't know him so stop acting as if you do.

"You know, I heard that he still needs a main female lead to his play. I guess I have to audition for that part. Since he's going to be the main guy lead... who knows? Maybe it could develop into something, right? And maybe there could be a kissing scene." The annoying blonde girl in my front said with a giggle.

I was close to grabbing that skank's infuriating hair and pull it out of her scalp. But unfortunately an alert message from my phone interrupted me from making that blonde go bald.

Jeez Courtney Collins. What the hell is happening to you? You're acting violent and like a lunatic! Pull yourself together and set your mind straight. This is so not you!

I took slow calming breaths and composed myself before I open my phone to see who texted me.

Looks like your Chad is the talk of the town now. Everyone's talking about how hot he is. You might lose the bet, C! LOL. — T

This is childish and downright pathetic. How in the world could I possibly lose this bet? I'm Courtney Collins for Pete's sake!

Love the confidence, Court. But let's face it. Chad Treyson, the geek and hottie version, don't like Courtney Collins. Now that he's the apple of the eye of every woman in this school, it means that he could get any girl he wants and throw you away.

Thank you for slaying your own self, snobbish subconscious. You're a great help!

I wanted to shut my brain from thinking so that I could make the inner me shut up, but then I couldn't help but think that she has a point. If this continues, I might really lose the bet. Chad might find that someone he likes and he'll forget about me.

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