Chapter 8 - Wrong Move

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Chapter 8 – Wrong Move


The deal has been set and agreed. But, unluckily, I forgot the most vital part of that agreement… I have a boyfriend! 

How am I supposed to flirt with a geek when Troy was around? Not to mention, we’re attending the same school! This is going to be harder than I thought. I can’t tell him this thing; for sure he’ll just beat the hell out of Chad. 

Not that I’m concerned with that geek, it’s just that I want to settle this issue with a less violent solution. And Troy beating Chad will just lessen my chance of getting that exam papers. 

This is different from the previous errand boy, the moment he gave me the exam papers the deal was automatically off. But this one, it’s the real deal. I have to make Chad fall in love with me. Not only that, he have to say those three words in order to win!

How pathetic!

I’m not the flirt type. Guys fall for me in an instant. The moment they saw me, they just fall in love so easily. That’s what happened with Troy. He claimed that he had this love at first sight thingy towards me. Now I don’t get that geek. He’s so not good looking to be the choosy type. He should be honored that Courtney Collins is even talking to him.

The nerve of that geek! 

“Hey Court. You’re spacing out again.” Fiona elbowed me. That made me out of my reverie. We’re at Beverly Center having our Saturday hangout.

“Yeah. Any problem with Troy?” Lucy asked worriedly. 

Troy no, Chad yes!

Well, I can’t tell them that I’m having a geek problem. They don’t even know that I have this deal going on. I don’t want a lot of people involve in this issue even if they’re my friends. 

“Nothing. Don’t mind me. So, what’s the latest scoop?” I tried to change the subject. And Terry, being the nosy one, started to fill us up with the latest gossip while strolling at the mall. 

I barely listened to the things she was saying. But one thing strikes me; they were talking about the geek at the hall yesterday. Chad. 

“Repeat that part.” I interrupted.

“Which one?” She asked.

“The geek part.”

“Oh, that. You know, the geek is happened to be Chad Treyson. The president of the drama club, the one that Terry humiliated at the assembly.” And they all started to laugh. I just rolled my eyes at this.

“Go on.” I commanded. 

“Oh and he was a transferee back in tenth grade. He was from Ohio. People said that he was an anti social. He doesn’t have any friends. He’s so scary, he doesn’t even know how to smile or laugh. He…” 

Yeah, true that. He’s the snob type and so hard to please. How can Terry know this much? Well, maybe I can use her to get the information I need about Chad Treyson. His likes, hobby and stuff. I can start from there. 

As I was busy formulating plans in my head, I glanced at the familiar figure at the other side of the mall. There I saw Chad with a little girl? 

Now, what was he doing here?

She's In Love With A GeekOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora