Chapter 31 - The Queen's Order

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I want Chad Treyson. For real.

It's getting more real every second, but painful at the same time. Every time I see him ignore me, it hurts like hell.

After my talk with the girls, it gave me courage to act so boldly and do what I want.

Shameless as I have been, I even sent him a message last night. I asked help for my Math lessons— the formulas and stuff. He responded, and damn it made me jump out of my bed in joy!

I was holding my phone close to my chest. I steadied my hands and took a deep breath before I looked at his response. The smile that was on my face suddenly dropped when I read his reply. He sent the formula that I needed—nothing more, nothing less.

He even sent photos of his notes, he even made some side notes so it would make it easier for me to understand. He then said to just message him anything and anytime related to subjects. I felt that he actually reiterated that part.

To only text him if it's a matter of my school works and lessons.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

He didn't even ask how I was, how was my works lately, feelings or anything. He didn't completely ignore, he'd still be there if it's the matter of school work and stuff, which I guess it means he would still help me with my studying. Only that.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

He started feeling so distant and cold. I felt tears fell on my eyes when I realized that I might be too late already and losing him now. Now when I finally admitted to myself that I want him for real.

I haven't felt so helpless and hopeless in my entire existence. I was so used to getting what I want, from the material things up to the people that I want to be with.

How unlucky of me when I finally have someone that my heart truly desires, desperately needs even—that's the moment when the universe humbled me.

We can't always get what we want, huh?

I buried myself on the pillow and cried the whole night.

It's Friday. I was so determined to make this day different. I'd be the one who would make a move and greet him. But, by the time I got in the cafeteria, he was already leaving.

Nobody told me that falling in love feels like this. Would I rather stay the old Courtney—cold hearted and carefree, than this version of Courtney—defeated, hopeless, helpless?

I watched Chad go, this time, he didn't take a glance at me. Clearly, purposely ignoring my presence. This action of his left a pang of pain in my heart.

"I don't get it." I said as my eyes continued to follow him as he go.

"I know, right?" Jenny responded, pulling me out of my thoughts. For a moment there, I thought she knew what I meant. When I was about to agree to her, and probe more, Fiona already intervened.

"But we always celebrate it there!"

"We can try a different one this time." Lucy chimed in.

We settled on our table, still clearly lost at what they were talking about.

"We can ask what she wants so you three can stop fighting." Terry suggested, well more of instructed in an irate tone. Whatever it was they were arguing about, Terry clearly had enough of it. I laughed at her fourth eye-roll now since I paid attention to them.

Jenny, Lucy, and Fiona were discussing something. I tried to understand and follow the conversation, but I was still confused of what it was all about. I wouldn't want to appear as if I wasn't listening—though I wasn't really as my mind was somewhere else, well more like with someone else.

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