Chapter FourtyFive

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"Some people care too much. I think it's called love."
― A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh

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Waking up alone the next morning didn't bring any good thoughts or feelings. The only indication I had that Seth had even been home last night was the fact that my phone was on charge on my bedside table – showing 5 missed calls and 3 messages – and a note beside it from Seth.

'We need to talk'

Oh no. Was this it already? Had he decided to end it all now so he didn't have to bother with excuses and sneaking about. Surely this was the better way, but, I just couldn't bring myself to face him or his rejection yet.

Making a quick decision, I ignore the messages and calls on my phone – all from Seth – and quickly dial a number I memorised a while ago, waiting nervously as the dial tone connected and it started ringing.

Just when I was about to give up, the other end picks up, there's shuffling and a groan before a gruff 'What?' was grunted down the line.

I tried to suppress a giggle, failing as I laugh a little bit.

"I know your not a morning person Jas, but I could really do with a hot chocolate." There's silence over the line for a moment before I hear him clearing his throat.

"Hot chocolate? I'll come pick you up in 10?" He says a little more clearly this time.

"I'll wait outside for you" and I hang up before he can say anything else. I knew he would question why he couldn't come in. If he came in to get me, that would involve seeing Seth. And seeing Seth would mean talking to Seth and having to face reality.

Jumping up, I quickly grab the first clothes I can find, dressing and grabbing my messenger bag, stuffing my purse and phone in. With a last glance round the room I creep to the door, peeking out and listening for any noise. The hall was empty and it sounded like there was noise from somewhere down the stairs. Carefully closing the door behind me I tiptoe down the hall and the stairs, eyes darting all about. I could hear noise coming from the living room and the kitchen. To my luck, both the doors were closed, meaning I could sneak out a little easier. However, opening the door made me jump, with it creaking loudly. I froze, glancing behind me, waiting for someone to run out and catch me red handed, but no one came. After a moment I sigh in relief, slipping out and closing the damn noisy door behind me. Slumping against it once it was safely shut I allow myself a second for my erratic heart to calm a little.

Standing up again, I look about before hurrying down the steps, walking down the drive, making sure to try stay away from direct sight of the living-room window.

Once on the street, I look both ways. I just had to wait now, and with Jasper, I could be waiting longer than I would like.

However, I had barely stood there for a minute when his car stopped beside me. I quickly climbed in, flashing Jasper a smile as I buckled my belt.

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