Chapter TwentySix

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"The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all."
―Walt Disney Company, Mulan

 Weeks turned into months and I had slowly but surely settled and come to terms with my emotions for Seth

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Weeks turned into months and I had slowly but surely settled and come to terms with my emotions for Seth. I had accepted the fact that I was slowly falling in love with the brute of a man who had saved me and spent his time trying to take care of me. Not that I was prepared to tell him that though. I planned on taking that to the grave with me, knowing that he would never reciprocate those feelings. It had been rough living in the Granger house-hold. Especially now that I was hiding yet another secret from everyone, and it weighed down heavily on me, reminding me that my time was very quickly running out. I sighed, closing the book I was reading and putting it down before running a hand through my hair. I was needing to re-dye it soon before letting my mind drift back to the other topic that had taken up most of my time.


Waking up curled into Seth felt both comforting and embarrassing. I loved the feeling of warmth and safety he provided me with just a simple touch, but I was too afraid of how he made me feel.

Seth shifted beside me, waking slowly before looking down at me with a groggy smile, murmuring a good morning before stretching and standing.

"I'm going to go get ready for school, you behave today okay?" He smirked at me before going to the bathroom, the shower starting up shortly after. I sighed and looked at the ceiling, just listening to the sound of water in the next room, yesterdays events running through my mind. Seth hadn't forced me to tell him what was actually wrong, he had stopped, whether on purpose and because he saw how uncomfortable I was or because he simply forgot to press the issue.

Just then my phone started to buzz. Looking over at the lit up device, grabbing it and looking at the number. Vaguely recognising it, I answer with an uncertain hello.

"Hello? Is this Miss. Nighting-Gale speaking?" The familiar voice asked down the phone.

"Yes, This is her speaking."

"Ah good. Its Doctor Karloff speaking. I finally have your results back along with your medical history. I want a follow up appointments with you to discuss and help you with your condition..."
"Condition?" I interrupted, my heart thumping hard in my chest. Oh god, there was something wrong with me!

"Please, stay calm Miss Nighting-Gale. It's not anything bad or can't be managed. It's actually the opposite." I could hear the happiness in his voice as he spoke.

"O-oh? What is it?"

"Well, I would have preferred to give you the results in person and to discuss other things about your history, but since you insist." He paused only for a second, and that second seemed to stretch on for hours as I began to feel clammy.

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